pyttsx3 copied to clipboard
Segmantion fault (core dumped) upon reading a .txt file
Error : Segmentation fault (Core dumped)
code : import pyttsx3 engine = pyttsx3.init()
filePath = "/path/to/file" file = open(filePath, 'r') text = file.close() engine.say(str(text)) engine.runAndWait()
That's not much to go on. What's the entire error log? What OS are you using, and/or what version of Python are you using?
I am seeing the same problem, it seams to be the size of string; I am useing Python 3.7 with pipenv on linux.
tts = init()
tts.setProperty('voice', engineVoice)
tts.save_to_file(doc['content'][0:750], fn)