card-scanner-flutter copied to clipboard
A flutter package for Fast, Accurate and Secure Credit card & Debit card scanning
Attribute value=(ocr) from [:credit_card_scanner] AndroidManifest.xml:16:13-32 is also present at [com.sumsub.sns:idensic-mobile-sdk-prooface:1.22.2] AndroidManifest.xml:17:13-33 value=(face). Suggestion: add 'tools:replace="android:value"' to element at AndroidManifest.xml:14:9-16:35 to override.
Hi, when i update `firebase plugins` and run `pod update` getting this error ``` CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "GTMSessionFetcher/Core": In Podfile: credit_card_scanner (from `.symlinks/plugins/credit_card_scanner/ios`) was resolved...
The app stays on the reading screen, but does not read the data. console: W/DynamiteModule(27786): Local module descriptor class for not found. I/DynamiteModule(27786): Considering local module and remote...
This package can be supported on the web? All features are working offline, Does Google Machine Learning Model support the web or not?