purescript-language-cst-parser copied to clipboard
Incorrect traversal for AppSpine
There seems to be a bug in the traversal for AppSpine, which was introduced by #51. Here's a small reproduction:
module Main where
import Prelude
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import PureScript.CST (RecoveredParserResult(..), parseModule)
import PureScript.CST.Traversal (defaultVisitorM, topDownTraversal, traverseModule)
import PureScript.CST.Types (Module)
moduleSource ∷ String
moduleSource =
module Main where
x = f a
onExpr :: Module Void -> Effect (Module Void)
onExpr = traverseModule $ topDownTraversal $ defaultVisitorM
{ onExpr = \e -> do
log "Hey!"
pure e
main ∷ Effect Unit
main = case parseModule moduleSource of
ParseSucceeded m → do
_ <- onExpr m
pure unit
_ →
log "Failed."
Expected output
is printed three times, for f a
, f
, and then a
Likely issue
The issue seems to stem from the use of traverseExpr
rather than k.onExpr
, as seen on this diff
More specifically, ExprApp
was originally:
ExprApp expr args -> ExprApp <$> k.onExpr expr <*> traverse k.onExpr args
Then it was changed to:
ExprApp expr args -> ExprApp <$> k.onExpr expr <*> traverse (traverseExprAppSpine k) args
-- ...
:: forall e f r
. Applicative f
=> { | OnBinder (Rewrite e f) + OnExpr (Rewrite e f) + OnType (Rewrite e f) + r }
-> Rewrite e f (AppSpine Expr)
traverseExprAppSpine k = case _ of
AppType tok ty -> AppType tok <$> traverseType k ty
AppTerm expr -> AppTerm <$> traverseExpr k expr -- not k.onExpr anymore
(Shouldn't traverseType
be k.onType
as well?)