resonance copied to clipboard
Support for bigger libraries
Breaks/freezes pc when adding 9k songs :(
I'm also having this issue. Installing via the AUR.
[omu@archlinux ~]$ resonance
DEBUG resonance > Loading resources
DEBUG resonance::database > The current directory is /home/omu
DEBUG resonance::database > music-folders = ["/media/NVME2/Musik"]
ERROR resonance::web::discord > Unable to connect to discord client: Couldn't connect to the Discord IPC socket
DEBUG resonance::web::last_fm > Last.FM disabled.
(resonance:233672): Gtk-WARNING **: 19:38:58.707: Unknown key gtk-modules in /home/omu/.config/gtk-4.0/settings.ini
(resonance:233672): Adwaita-WARNING **: 19:38:58.740: Using GtkSettings:gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme with libadwaita is unsupported. Please use AdwStyleManager:color-scheme instead.
DEBUG resonance::views::pages::albums::album_sidebar::imp > AlbumFlap constructed
DEBUG resonance::views::control_bar > bind_state
DEBUG resonance::views::window > bind signals
DEBUG resonance::database > database path: "/home/omu/.local/share/io.github.nate_xyz.Resonance/resonance.db"
DEBUG resonance::database > open database by existing uri
DEBUG resonance::database > sqlite_source_id: 2024-03-12 11:06:23 d8cd6d49b46a395b13955387d05e9e1a2a47e54fb99f3c9b59835bbefad6alt1
DEBUG resonance::database > Adding new artists ...
DEBUG resonance::database > Folder verified & loaded
DEBUG resonance::database::imp > setting loaded: true
DEBUG resonance::views::window > Notified database loaded in window.
DEBUG resonance::model::model > populate art
DEBUG resonance::model::model > populate artist_images
ERROR resonance::model::model > Unable to populate artist image: model error: Artist Query Empty
DEBUG resonance::model::model > populate albums
DEBUG resonance::model::model > populate tracks
DEBUG resonance::views::pages::tracks::track_page > track page update view
DEBUG resonance::model::model > populate genres
DEBUG resonance::views::pages::genres::genre_grid_page > genre grid update view
(resonance:233672): Gtk-WARNING **: 19:39:20.373: Failed to set text '<span weight="book" size="medium">Nujabes feat. Cise Star & Akin Yai</span>' from markup due to error parsing markup: Error on line 1: Entity did not end with a semicolon; most likely you used an ampersand character without intending to start an entity — escape ampersand as &
DEBUG resonance::model::model > populate playlists
ERROR resonance::model::model > Unable to populate playlists: model error: Playlist Query Empty
DEBUG resonance::views::pages::playlists::playlist_grid_page > No playlists in model.
Gdk-Message: 19:39:20.554: Lost connection to Wayland compositor.