CircleStatus copied to clipboard
View showing circular chart with legend. There is customisable number and range of colours on outer ring with background transparency/colours configuration, legend off/on, legend location setup.
Small project to show circular chart with customisable number and range of colors on outer ring with background transparency/colors configuration. Demo project included. Works ok during orientation changes & redrawing. Supports also legend view.
Customisable colors, legend can be turned off or on (to see legend on look at big screenshots below)
You can do much more than this ^^
Installation with CocoaPods
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries.
pod "CircleStatus"
In your projects git folder type:
git submodule init
git submodule add --copy link to the repo--
git submodule update
Copy all files from CircleStatus/CircleStatus folder.
Just download & attach
This is strongly misadvised as you won't be able to see code updates. Clone or download the source, copy all files from CircleStatus/CircleStatus folder.
Clone and see the demo for more examples about implementation. You can add the view via Storyboard or using code:
// in your view.h download the library
#import <CircleStatus/NOCSView.h>
// then add a property
@property (nonatomic, strong) NOCSView *csView;
// alloc & init the view or setup this via storyboard
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame {
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
_csView = [[NOCSView alloc] initWithFrame:frame]; // + update the frame
[self addSubview:_csView];
return self;
// in your controller you can change outlook of the control
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// fill with data
[_csExampleView.csView setPercentageColorArray:@[[[NOCSPercentageColor alloc] initWithColor:[UIColor greenColor] percentage:0.7f],
[[NOCSPercentageColor alloc] initWithColor:[UIColor yellowColor] percentage:0.3f]]];
// setup middle view: either text or image or nothing
[_csExampleView.csView.textLabel setText:@"Chart"];
// [_csExampleView.csView.imageView setImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"test"]];
// setup chart view
[_csExampleView.csView setRadius:50.f];
[_csExampleView.csView setFillColor:[UIColor colorWithWhite:1.f alpha:0.4f]];
[_csExampleView.csView setStartAngle:15];
[_csExampleView.csView setLineWidth:10];
// setup legend
[_csExampleView.csView setShowsLegend:NO];
[_csExampleView.csView.legendView setLegendPosition:CSLegendPositionRight];
- 1.2.0 General code refactor. Added prefixes, using NOCategories.
- 1.1.3 Made javadoc more readable.
- 1.1.2 Fixed bug with redrawing. Updated javadoc.
- 1.1.1 Silenced pod lint warnings.
- 1.1 Applied styling, small code refactor.
- 1.0 Added basic classes. Added demo.
Natalia Osiecka, [email protected]
Available under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
Requires Xcode 5, targeting either iOS 5.1.1 or higher