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The Advanced Geared Turbofan 30,000 (AGTF30) is a geared turbofan simulation that utilizes the Toolbox for the Modeling and Analysis of Thermodynamic Systems (T-MATS) to create a steady-state and dynamic engine model within MATLAB/Simulink. The engine model is based upon a futuristic geared turbofan concept and allows steady-state operation throughout the flight envelope. Dynamic operation is utilizes a baseline control system. Design tools included within the package include system linearization and automated plotting scripts.
AGTF30 installation:
- Install Matlab and Simulink, Developed in MATLAB 2015aSP1
- Install the Toolbox for the Modeling and Analyais of Thermodyanmic Systems, developed with T-MATS version 1.3 (
Running AGTF30 simulation:
- Navigate to the AGTF30 folder
- Run script "setup_everything.m", this will generate all required variables within MATLAB (namely: bus variables and the engine parameter structure 'MWS').
- Open AGTF30 system simualtion: dynamic(Dyn), Linearization (Lin), or steady-state (SS).
- Run the specified model.
Changing run conditions:
Open setup_everyting and adjust Input. structure as appropriate
Verify setup_everything sets Input.UseExcel = 1, update excel document define_inputs.xlsx
Verify setup_everything sets Input.UseExcel = 0, update define_inputs.m
System inputs are defined (within the MWS structure) as vectors with each value matching with a time vector. The linearization and steady-state systems will only make use of the initial values, Note: Linearization and Dynamic systems will use the steady-state solver to generate initial conditions.
- Steady state simulation outputs structure: out_SS, containing a large amount of data. Additionally it generate specific structures out_*
- Linearization simulation outputs structure: out_Lin, containing a large amount of data. (ABCD matricies for state-space model are located within the structure)
- Dynamic simulation outputs structure: out_Dyn, containing a large amount of data. Additionally it generate specific structures out_*
Auto plotting scripts:
The AGTF30 makes use of T-MATS autoplotting scrips. These are defined within PlotDyn.m and PlotSS.m. After running the Dyn model or SS model, run the appropriate script to generate the appropriate plots.
- Jeffryes W. Chapman and Jonathan S. Litt. "Control Design for an Advanced Geared Turbofan Engine", 53rd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, (AIAA 2017-4820)
- Jones, S.M., Haller, W.J., Tong, M.T., “An N+3 Technology Level Reference Propulsion System”, NASA/TM-2017-219501, 2017.