FlightView icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
FlightView copied to clipboard

Real-time tools for Imaging Spectroscopy Data


2014-2022 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, AVIRIS lab

Author/Maintainer: Elliott Liggett

Prior Authors: Jackie Ryan and Noah Levy

This version of LiveView uses NVIDIA's CUDA toolkit for real-time processing, which is covered in the following IEEE publication:

LiveView: A new utility for real-time calibration of focal plane arrays using commodity hardware

Contact Us!

Elliott Liggett: JPL email: [email protected]


LiveView is graphical program which displays real-time information about imagign data from imagine spectrometers. Liveview supports high data rate acquisition over CameraLink and via reading files created by other processes. The branch FlightView is AVIRIS-III's flight acquisition system, and includes an RGB waterfall.

Plots are implemented using the QCustomPlot library, which generates live color maps, bar graphs, and line graphs within the Qt C++ environment.


Please see the documentation folder for the latest detailed directions.

System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:

Quad-core processor (x86 Architecture) 8GB RAM NVIDIA Graphics Card with 512MB VRAM, i.e, GTX 560 (adjust the size of GPU_BUFFER_SIZE in constants.h of cuda_take and make a clean compile to change this setting) Linux OS such as Ubuntu or Mint

Recommended Settings:

32-core CPU array 16GB RAM (depending on the imaging application, memory allocation will increase) 2 SSLI NVIDIA Graphics Card with 1GB VRAM (or one high-end GPU)

Keyboard Controls


  • p - Toggle the Precision Slider
  • m - Toggle the Dark Subtraction Mask (if one is present)
  • , - Begin recording Dark Frames
  • . - Stop recording dark frames

For frame views (raw image, dark subtraction, standard deviation)

  • left click - profile the data at the specified coordinate
  • esc - reset the crosshairs
  • d - Toggle display of the crosshairs

For the Histogram Widget

  • r - reset the range of the display. Zooming may make it difficult to return to the original scale of the plot.

For the Playback Widget

  • drag and drop onto the viewing window - load the selected file. WARNING: Any filetype is accepted. This means if the filetype is not data, garbage will be displayed in the viewing window. This is done by design.
  • s - Stop playback and return to the first frame return - Play/Pause
  • f - Fast Forward. Multiple presses increase the fast forward multiplier up to 64x faster.
  • r - Rewind. Multple presses inreas the rewind multiplier up to 64x faster.
  • a - Move back one frame. Only works when playback is paused.
  • d - Move forward one frame. Only works when playback is paused.