Nathan Argetsinger
Nathan Argetsinger
I see this among the logs at boot time: `uboot_overlays: [uboot_base_dtb=am335x-boneblack-uboot-univ.dtb]` Does this mean it chose the wrong dtb or can there be multiple loaded at different times (i.e. does...
For whatever reason setting the compiler optimization from -O2 --> -O1 suppresses the error... but you'll still have linker errors in the end. also.. (while still using -O2) just deleting...
FWIW ThrowingBagels works out of the box.. only caveat is new packet format.
Ok.. so for the segmentation faults check out here: Specifically the recommendations as follows: vi opc-server.c change e131 port to 0 in + .e131_port = 0, And + assert_int_range_inclusive("e131...
Geocene has a working version in 4.19: