newman-run copied to clipboard
Include request, response body and headers in allure report generated by newman-run
Hello, when we generate allure report we are not getting the request, response body and headers, We have a working example for "newman run" at :, would be much helpful if we integrate the newman-reporter-allure module from above to the existing "newman-run"
I have a temporary fix for this now to install as follows:
cd /usr/lib/node_modules/newman-run/node_modules/ sudo mv newman-reporter-allure newman-reporter-allure-old sudo npm install -g @danvargas46/newman-reporter-allure sudo mv ../../@danvargas46/newman-reporter-allure .
If i update the newman-run to new version this gets updated to its default report. Since we are getting request , response body and headers extra other than normal report, it would be much helpful if the same newman-reporter-allure module is pulled into this permanently.
@nareshnavinash Can we get some improvement around this ? Thanks.