factorio-updater copied to clipboard
What is the proper next command
Trying to use you script but need little help. I can get this far......
root@fluxcapacitor:/opt/factorio# python3 update_factorio.py -f 1.1.100
Wrote /tmp/core-linux_headless64-1.1.100-1.1.101-update.zip, apply with factorio --apply-update /tmp/core-linux_headless64-1.1.100-1.1.101-update.zip
Looks like I have downloaded the update but I can't figure out the correct syntax to apply it..
Same problem, using python3 update_factorio.py -Da ./bin/x64/factorio
command and stuck at Auto-detected starting version as 1.1.100 from binary.
, I can find the downloading .zip file in /tmp, but downloading is still working until python3 throw a exception.
Looks like a network issue, I just excute the command several times, and update is successful. (Host in china mainland, network connection could be unstable.)
Trying to use you script but need little help. I can get this far...... root@fluxcapacitor:/opt/factorio# python3 update_factorio.py -f 1.1.100 Wrote /tmp/core-linux_headless64-1.1.100-1.1.101-update.zip, apply with
factorio --apply-update /tmp/core-linux_headless64-1.1.100-1.1.101-update.zip
Looks like I have downloaded the update but I can't figure out the correct syntax to apply it..
I have added a progress bar to this python script, you will know what is the problem...
You need to use pip3 install tqdm
to install a lib.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, posixpath, requests, re, sys
import argparse
import json
import subprocess
from zipfile import ZipFile
import urllib.parse as url_parse
from tqdm import tqdm
def file_path(string):
if os.path.isfile(string):
return string
raise Exception(string + " is not a valid path to a file.")
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Fetches Factorio update packages (e.g., for headless servers)")
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dry-run', action='store_true', dest='dry_run',
help="Don't download files, just state which updates would be downloaded. "
"A nonzero exit code indicates no updates were found (or an exception occurred).")
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose',
help="Print URLs and stuff as they happen.")
parser.add_argument('-l', '--list-packages', action='store_true', dest='list_packages',
help="Print a list of valid packages (e.g., 'core-linux_headless64', etc.).")
parser.add_argument('-c', '--credentials-file', type=file_path, dest='credentials_file',
help="Path to server-settings.json or player-data.json, for loading credentials.")
parser.add_argument('-u', '--user',
help="Your Factorio service username, from server-settings.json or player-data.json.")
parser.add_argument('-t', '--token',
help="Your Factorio service token, also from server-settings.json or player-data.json.")
parser.add_argument('-p', '--package', default='core-linux_headless64',
help="Which Factorio package to look for updates for, "
"e.g., 'core-linux_headless64' for a 64-bit Linux headless Factorio. "
"Use '--list-packages' to fetch an updated list.")
parser.add_argument('-f', '--for-version',
help="Which Factorio version you currently have, e.g., '0.12.2'. If empty, "
"query the Factorio binary given in '--apply-to' for its version.")
parser.add_argument('-O', '--output-path', default='/tmp',
help="Where to put downloaded files.")
parser.add_argument('-a', '--apply-to', type=file_path, dest='apply_to',
help="Apply the updates using the chosen binary.")
parser.add_argument('-D', '--delete-after-applying', action='store_true', dest='delete_after_apply',
help="Delete update archives after successfully applying their contents. "
"Ignored if '--apply-to' was not provided.")
parser.add_argument('-x', '--experimental', action='store_true', dest='experimental',
help="Download experimental versions, too (otherwise only stable updates are considered).")
parser.add_argument('-z', '--verify-zip', action='store_true', dest='verify_zip',
help="Verify the zip file after downloading.")
parser.add_argument('-I', '--ignore-existing', action='store_true', dest='ignore_existing_files',
help="Ignore files that have already been downloaded, and re-download them. "
"Use in case of a broken download that was wrongly retained.")
class DownloadFailed(Exception): pass
glob = { 'verbose': False }
def version_key(v):
if v is None:
return []
return [int(x) for x in re.sub(r'(\.0+)*$','', v).split(".")]
def get_updater_data(user, token):
payload = {'username': user, 'token': token, 'apiVersion': 2}
r = requests.get('https://updater.factorio.com/get-available-versions', params=payload)
if r.status_code != 200:
raise DownloadFailed('Could not download version list.', r.status_code)
if glob['verbose']:
if token is not None:
print(r.url.replace(token, '<secret>'))
return r.json()
def pick_updates(updater_json, factorio_package, from_version, experimental=False):
latest = [None, None]
available_updates = {}
current_version = from_version
updates = []
# Get latest stable version
for row in updater_json[factorio_package]:
if 'from' not in row:
latest[0] = row['stable']
# Get latest experimental version
if experimental:
for row in updater_json[factorio_package]:
if 'from' in row:
latest[1] = max(latest[1], row['to'], key=version_key)
# Get available updates
for row in updater_json[factorio_package]:
# if from_version >= current_version...
if 'from' in row and max(row['from'], current_version, key=version_key) == row['from']:
# ...and not experimental and to_version <= last_stable
if not experimental and min(row['to'], latest[0], key=version_key) == row['to']:
# record this update
available_updates[row['from']] = row['to']
# ...or if experimental
elif experimental:
# record this update
available_updates[row['from']] = row['to']
# Create update list
while current_version in available_updates:
new_version = available_updates[current_version]
if not experimental and max(current_version, latest[0], key=version_key) == current_version:
updates.append({'from': current_version, 'to': new_version})
current_version = new_version
return updates, latest
def get_update_link(username, token, package, update):
payload = {'username': username,
'token': token,
'package': package,
'from': update['from'],
'to': update['to'],
'apiVersion': 2}
r = requests.get('https://updater.factorio.com/get-download-link', params=payload)
if glob['verbose']:
if token is not None:
print(r.url.replace(token, '<secret>'))
if r.status_code != 200:
raise DownloadFailed('Could not obtain download link.', r.status_code, update)
return r.json()[0]
def zip_valid(fpath):
with ZipFile(fpath,'r') as zf:
if zf.testzip() is not None:
return False
return True
def fetch_update(output_path, url, ignore_existing_files, verify_zip):
fname = posixpath.basename(url_parse.urlsplit(url).path)
fpath = os.path.join(output_path, fname)
if os.path.isfile(fpath) and ignore_existing_files is not True:
if verify_zip:
if zip_valid(fpath):
if glob['verbose']:
print("File %s already exists and is a valid zip file" % fpath)
return fpath # early out, we must've already downloaded it
pass # fall through to try and download it again.
if glob['verbose']:
print("File %s already exists, assuming it's correct..." % fpath)
return fpath # early out, we must've already downloaded it
r = requests.get(url, stream=True)
# display download step
total_length = int(r.headers.get('content-length', 0))
with open(fpath, 'wb') as fd, tqdm(
) as bar:
for data in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
size = fd.write(data)
# # display download step end
# with open(fpath, 'wb') as fd:
# for chunk in r.iter_content(8192):
# fd.write(chunk)
fd.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
if verify_zip:
if not zip_valid(fd):
raise RuntimeError('Downloaded file %s was not a valid zip file' % fpath)
return fpath
def verbose_aware_exec(exec_args, verbose=False):
captured = subprocess.check_output(exec_args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
if verbose:
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex:
def find_version(args):
if args.for_version is not None:
return args.for_version
if args.for_version is None and args.apply_to is not None:
version_output = subprocess.check_output([args.apply_to, "--version"], universal_newlines=True)
source_version = re.search("Version: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)", version_output)
if source_version:
for_version = source_version.group(1)
print("Auto-detected starting version as %s from binary." % for_version)
return for_version
def announce_no_updates(args, for_version, latest):
message = 'No updates available for version %s' % for_version
if not args.experimental:
if latest[0]:
message += ' (latest stable is %s).' % latest[0]
message += '.'
message += ' Did you want `--experimental`?'
message += ' (latest experimental is %s).' % latest[1]
def apply_update(args, update):
if args.dry_run:
print('Dry run: would have fetched update from %s to %s.' % (update['from'], update['to']))
url = get_update_link(args.user, args.token, args.package, update)
if url is None:
raise RuntimeError('Failed to obtain URL for update from %s to %s.' % (update['from'], update['to']))
fpath = fetch_update(args.output_path, url, args.ignore_existing_files, args.verify_zip)
if args.apply_to is None:
print('Wrote %(fpath)s, apply with `factorio --apply-update %(fpath)s`' % {'fpath': fpath})
update_args = [args.apply_to, "--apply-update", fpath]
print("Applying update with `%s`." % (" ".join(update_args)))
verbose_aware_exec(update_args, args.verbose)
if args.delete_after_apply:
print('Update applied, deleting temporary file %s.' % fpath)
def parse_credentials(credentials_file: str, user: str, token: str):
"""Get credentials from CLI arguments."""
if credentials_file is not None:
with open(credentials_file, 'r') as f:
credentials_json = json.load(f)
user = user or credentials_json.get('username') or credentials_json.get('service-username')
token = token or credentials_json.get('token') or credentials_json.get('service-token')
if user is None or token is None:
print("WARNING: credentials file did not contain "
"username/token! Attempting to continue without...")
except IOError:
print("Can't read file %(fpath)s" % {'fpath': credentials_json})
except json.JSONDecodeError:
print("Can't decode JSON in %(fpath)s" % {'fpath': credentials_json})
return (user, token)
def main():
args = parser.parse_args()
glob['verbose'] = args.verbose
(args.user, args.token) = parse_credentials(args.credentials_file, args.user, args.token)
j = get_updater_data(args.user, args.token)
if args.list_packages:
print('Available packages:')
for package in j.keys():
print("\t", package)
return 0
for_version = find_version(args)
if not for_version:
print("Unable to determine source version. Please provide either a "
"starting version (with --for-version) or a Factorio binary (with "
return 1
updates, latest = pick_updates(j, args.package, for_version, args.experimental)
if not updates:
announce_no_updates(args, for_version, latest)
return 2
for u in updates:
apply_update(args, u)
# No updates remain; if an update failed, we will have exceptioned
# out before getting here.
# In dry-run mode, this simply signifies that updates were found.
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':