leaflet-fusesearch copied to clipboard
A plugin for Leaflet to search features in a GeoJSON layer using Fuse.js
Currently, the search and cancel buttons are conveyed as links using a screen reader, please consider using `` instead, per the WAI-ARIA recommendation. Alternatively use [`role="button"`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/button_role).
It's not possible to use the component using only a keyboard. The design pattern that the search component is using is an established pattern of the WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices, called...
Hello everyone! I noticed that the demo is not accessible in HTTPs:  https://dev.cartocite.fr/CultureNantes/ Is it known? Thank you so much for your work :)
Hi! i try use your great plugin with this plugin https://github.com/VincentDS/Leaflet.markercluster And find what: fusesearch not work properly with cluster groups - all markers who grouped in cluster don't find...
I went over the code of your example with Nantes again and again but don't see what I'm missing. The search seems to work fine until I try to click...
Hi naomap is it possible to Search features in more than one GeoJSON layer ?
Trying to limit results to perfect march, I've noticed that "threshold" is ignored when set at "0.0" Set at "0.1", it works as expected.
Hello, first of all thank you for the great work. I am searching a large geoJSON for 4 parameters and everything is quite fast. The only disadvantage is that the...
src/leaflet.fusesearch.js Line 252 `listItems[i].remove();` gives an error on my IE11 .remove() not supported So I changed to get the parent of the node to delete and then delete the child....
Hello Antoine, I have downloaded the fusesearch source files and added it to my map. But i can't get it working. The browser console gives my this error: layer.getPopup is...