Results 40 comments of crows

For now, you can use [nvim-web-devicons]( to add file icon. * install `nvim-web-devicons` and start it. * `require'nvim-web-devicons'.setup {}` * `require'nvim-web-devicons'.get_icon(filename, extension, options)` and you should get filename and extension...

A little survey: Is it helpful to add a helper function to get the file icon in `tabby.nvim`?

I think this is workable. I plan to improve the configuration experience, use less code to configure these things. I will update in this issue if that is completed.

Yes, it's in the plan. But I'm considering how to add new feature but not to break the configurable and customizable. I guess it won't take too long.

The vim/neovim ecosystem story is that the plugin announces the highlight groups used, and the theme author assigns values to these highlight groups. But tabby's key feature is highly configurable,...

For now, you can use `require('tabby.util').extract_nvim_hl()` to extract a color from highlight.

relative to #35

related to #35 #36

@alanjjenkins Great advice! I will try.

I can't ensure if this is duplicated to "post_restore". And I can't ensure if this is compatible with the vim function. Anyway, I think it is useful to allow "hook"...