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An api-driven, in-kernel layer 2/3 load balancer.


Build Status GoDoc

Portal is an api-driven, in-kernel layer 2/3 load balancer.




As a CLI

Simply run portal <COMMAND>

portal or portal -h will show usage and a list of commands:

portal - load balancer/proxy

  portal [flags]
  portal [command]

Available Commands:
  add-service    Add service
  remove-service Remove service
  show-service   Show service
  show-services  Show all services
  set-services   Set service list
  set-service    Set service
  add-server     Add server to a service
  remove-server  Remove server from a service
  show-server    Show server on a service
  show-servers   Show all servers on a service
  set-servers    Set server list on a service
  add-route      Add route
  set-routes     Set route list
  show-routes    Show all routes
  remove-route   Remove route
  add-cert       Add cert
  set-certs      Set cert list
  show-certs     Show all certs
  remove-cert    Remove cert
  add-vip        Add vip
  set-vips       Set vip list
  show-vips      Show all vips
  remove-vip     Remove vip

  -C, --api-cert="": SSL cert for the api
  -H, --api-host="": Listen address for the API
  -k, --api-key="": SSL key for the api
  -p, --api-key-password="": Password for the SSL key
  -P, --api-port="8443": Listen address for the API
  -t, --api-token="": Token for API Access
  -b, --balancer="lvs": Load balancer to use (nginx|lvs)
  -r, --cluster-connection="none://": Cluster connection string (redis://
  -T, --cluster-token="": Cluster security token
  -c, --conf="": Configuration file to load
  -d, --db-connection="scribble:///var/db/portal": Database connection string
  -i, --insecure[=false]: Disable tls key checking (client) and listen on http (server)
  -j, --just-proxy[=false]: Proxy only (no tcp/udp load balancing)
  -L, --log-file="": Log file to write to
  -l, --log-level="INFO": Log level to output
  -x, --proxy-http="": Address to listen on for proxying http
  -X, --proxy-tls="": Address to listen on for proxying https
  -s, --server[=false]: Run in server mode
  -v, --version[=false]: Print version info and exit
  -w, --work-dir="/var/db/portal": Directory for portal to use (balancer config)

Use "portal [command] --help" for more information about a command.

For usage examples, see Api and/or Cli readme

As a Server

To start portal as a server run:

portal --server

An optional config file can also be passed on startup:

portal -c /path/to/config.json


  "api-token": "",
  "api-host": "",
  "api-port": 8443,
  "api-key": "",
  "api-cert": "",
  "api-key-password": "",
  "db-connection": "scribble:///var/db/portal",
  "cluster-connection": "none://",
  "cluster-token": "",
  "insecure": false,
  "just-proxy": false,
  "proxy-http": "",
  "proxy-tls": "",
  "balancer": "nginx",
  "work-dir": "/var/db/portal",
  "log-level": "INFO",
  "log-file": "",
  "server": true


Route Description payload output
Get /services List all services nil json array of service objects
Post /services Add a service json service object json service object
Put /services Reset the list of services json array of service objects json array of service objects
Put /services/:service_id Reset the specified service nil json service object
Get /services/:service_id Get information about a service nil json service object
Delete /services/:service_id Delete a service nil success message or an error
Get /services/:service_id/servers List all servers on a service nil json array of server objects
Post /services/:service_id/servers Add new server to a service json server object json server object
Put /services/:service_id/servers Reset the list of servers on a service json array of server objects json array of server objects
Get /services/:service_id/servers/:server_id Get information about a server on a service nil json server object
Delete /services/:service_id/servers/:server_id Delete a server from a service nil success message or an error
Delete /routes Delete a route subdomain, domain, and path (json or query) success message or an error
Get /routes List all routes nil json array of route objects
Post /routes Add new route json route object json route object
Put /routes Reset the list of routes json array of route objects json array of route objects
Delete /certs Delete a cert json cert object success message or an error
Get /certs List all certs nil json array of cert objects
Post /certs Add new cert json cert object json cert object
Put /certs Reset the list of certs json array of cert objects json array of cert objects
Delete /vips Delete a vip json vip object success message or an error
Get /vips List all vips nil json array of vip objects
Post /vips Add new vip json vip object json vip object
Put /vips Reset the list of vips json array of vip objects json array of vip objects
  • service_id is a formatted combination of service info: type-host-port. (tcp-127_0_0_3-80)
  • server_id is a formatted combination of server info: host-port. (192_0_0_3-8080)

For examples, see the api's readme

Data types:



  "host": "",
  "port": 1234,
  "type": "tcp",
  "scheduler": "wlc",
  "persistence": 300,
  "netmask": "",
  "servers": []

json with a server:

  "host": "",
  "port": 8080,
  "type": "tcp",
  "scheduler": "wlc",
  "persistence": 300,
  "netmask": "",
  "servers": [
      "host": "",
      "port": 8081,
      "forwarder": "m",
      "weight": 1,
      "UpperThreshold": 0,
      "LowerThreshold": 0


  • host: IP of the host the service is bound to.
  • interface: Host interface the service is bound to (optional, overrides host).
  • port: Port that the service listens to.
  • type: Type of service.
    • tcp
    • udp
  • scheduler: How to pick downstream server.
    • rr - Round Robin
    • wrr - Weighted Round Robin
    • lc - Least-Connection
    • wlc - Weighted Least-Connection
    • lblc - Locality-Based Least-Connection
    • lblcr - Locality-Based Least-Connection with Replication
    • dh - Destination Hashing
    • sh - Source Hashing
    • sed - Shortest Expected Delay
    • nq - Never Queue
  • persistence: Timeout for keeping requests from the same client going to the same server.
  • netmask: How to group clients with persistence to servers.
  • servers: Array of server objects associated to the service.



  "host": "",
  "port": 1234,
  "forwarder": "m",
  "weight": 1,
  "upper_threshold": 0,
  "lower_threshold": 0


  • host: IP of the host the service is bound to.
  • port: Port that the service listens to.
  • forwarder: Method to use to forward traffic to this server.
    • g - Gatewaying
    • i - Ipip encapsulation
    • m - Masquerading
  • weight: Weight to perfer this server. Set to 0 if no traffic should go to this server.
  • upper_threshold: Stop sending connections to this server when this number is reached.
    • 0 - No limit
  • lower_threshold: Restart sending connections when drains down to this number.
    • 0 - Not set



  "ip": "",
  "interface": "eth1",
  "alias": "eth1:0"


  • ip: Ip to add to interface. Should be ip/cidr
  • interface: Interface to add ip to
  • alias: Alias to assign the ip (can be used as "interface" when adding a service)



  "subdomain": "admin",
  "domain": "test.com",
  "path": "/admin*",
  "targets": ["",""],
  "fwdpath": "/",
  "page": ""


  • subdomain: Subdomain to match on
  • domain: Domain to match on
  • path: Path to match on
  • targets: URIs of servers
  • fwdpath: Path to forward to targets (combined with target path)
  • page: Page to serve instead of routing to targets



  "key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMII.../J8\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----",
  "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMII...aI=\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----"


  • key: Pem style key
  • cert: Pem style certificate



  "error": "exit status 2: unexpected argument"


  • error: Error message



  "msg": "Success"


  • msg: Success message


Portal uses govendor to manage dependencies. After clone, run govendor sync to ensure you have the proper dependencies prior to building.


  • vip testing
  • balance vips across cluster
  • redis cluster init to get and set certs and vips


  • 0.1.1 - 17-06-20

    • Log and fail if db init fails
    • Use govendor for deps
    • Pre-validate protocol for services
    • Log all 'forwarded-for' ips
  • 0.1.0 - 17-01-24

    • Fixed start issues related to VIPs
  • Added ability to specify interface when registering a service

  • Users can now add vips to portal

  • Portal now uses the service host for server's hosts that are ""

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