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A library for creating and evaluating executable directed graphs at runtime.

gantz Actions Status

A crate for creating and evaluating executable directed graphs at runtime. In other words, gantz allows users to compose programs described by interconnected nodes on the fly.

Gantz is inspired by a desire for a more flexible, high-performance, open-source alternative to graphical programming environments such as Max/MSP, Touch Designer, Houdini and others. Named after gantz graf.

NOTE: gantz is currently a research project and is not ready for any kind of real-world use.

Design Overview

Gantz allows for constructing executable directed graphs by composing together Nodes.

Nodes are a way to allow users to abstract and encapsulate logic into smaller, re-usable components, similar to a function in a coded programming language.

Every Node is made up of the following:

  • Any number of inputs, where each input is of some rust type or generic type.
  • Any number of outputs, where each output is of some rust type or generic type.
  • An expression or function that takes the inputs as arguments and returns the outputs in a tuple.

Graphs describe the composition of one or more nodes. A graph may contain one or more nested graphs represented as nodes, forming the main method of abstraction within gantz.

A Project provides an API for easily creating graphs, compiling them into Rust dynamic libraries and loading them ready for evaluation, all at runtime. The project manages a single cargo workspace that contains a single crate for each graph.

See the gantz/tests directory for some very basic, early proof-of-concept tests.

Included Crates


Contains the core traits and items necessary for any gantz implementation. The current approach heavily revolves around rust-code generation, however this crate may get generalised in the future to allow for more easily targeting other languages.


Provides implementations for the core traits and a high-level Project API for convenient use.

This repo does not provide any GUI itself - this will likely be implemented in a separate repository using nannou.


  • [x] A simple function for creating nodes from rust expressions.
  • [x] Allow for handling generics and trait objects within custom nodes.
  • [x] Serialize and Deserialize for nodes and graphs via serde and typetag.
  • [x] Project workspace creation.
  • [x] Push evaluation through the graph.
  • [x] Pull evaluation through the graph.
  • [x] Simultaneous push and pull evaluation from multiple nodes.
  • [x] Stateless node codegen.
  • [x] Stateful node codegen.
  • [x] Implement Node for Graph.
  • [ ] Conditional evaluation #21.
  • [ ] Evaluation boundaries #22.
  • [ ] Dynamic node I/O configurations #31.
  • [ ] A convenient API for managing node state #44.
  • [ ] A way to easily generate node types from existing fns in other crates.

After each of these goals are met, a new repository will be created where gantz will be extended using nannou to provide higher-level tools including:

  • [ ] A GUI for creating, editing and saving graphs and custom nodes at runtime.
  • [ ] Node packaging and sharing tools, likely built on cargo and
  • [ ] A suite of nodes providing an interface to nannou's cross-platform support for a wide range of protocols and I/O:
    • [ ] Windowing and input events.
    • [ ] Phasers and signals.
    • [ ] Audio input, output, processing and device management.
    • [ ] 2D/3D geometry, graphics and shaders.
    • [ ] Video input and processing.
    • [ ] Networking (UDP and TCP).
    • [ ] OSC.
    • [ ] Lighting, lasers & control: DMX (via sACN), CITP (& CAEX), Ether-Dream.
    • [ ] GPU general compute.
    • [ ] General file reading and writing.


Licensed under either of

  • Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or
  • MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.