redmine_introductions copied to clipboard
Redmine 5x compatibility
I think one needs to change this:
#require_dependency 'redmine_introductions/hooks'
require_dependency File.expand_path('lib/redmine_introductions/hooks', __dir__)
perhaps there's more.
I'm also getting:
Zeitwerk::NameError: expected file /home/eshift-lk-ea/redmine-5.0.5/plugins/redmine_introductions/app/overrides/issues/_edit.rb to define constant Issues::Edit, but didn't
raise, cref.last)
<internal:dir>:220:in `glob'
/home/eshift-lk-ea/redmine-5.0.5/config/environment.rb:16:in `<top (required)>'
Tasks: TOP => redmine:plugins:migrate => environment
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
Puma starting in single mode...
* Puma version: 6.3.0 (ruby 3.1.4-p223) ("Mugi No Toki Itaru")
* Min threads: 1
* Max threads: 6
* Environment: production
* PID: 40586
! Unable to load application: Zeitwerk::NameError: expected file /home/eshift-lk-ea/redmine-5.0.5/plugins/redmine_introductions/app/overrides/issues/_edit.rb to define constant Issues::Edit, but didn't
raise, cref.last)
bundler: failed to load command: puma (/home/redmine/.rbenv/versions/3.1.4/bin/puma)
This plugin has been updated and is now compatible with Redmine 5.0. Can you please try the latest version and confirm that everything works fine?
Note that this plugin requires the installation of the redmine_base_deface
plugin ( as a dependency.