winston-graylog2 copied to clipboard
TypeError: cleanedMessage.substring is not a function
It seems that this transport does not allow for logging of objects. Winston which this is built for allows logging of object and so does console.log.
@shuat can you show an example (I mean the code that fails) how you log an object using this transport? So that I can quickly see what's the issue.
@shuat AFAIK, it's possible to log objects with this transport, but an object must have some certain fields (message, etc.). See:{ message: 'this is an info message', answer: 42 });
// or equivalently'this is an info message', { answer: 42 });
I have the same error and no idea how to resolve it or why it occurs..
I'm facing same error while using following code:
const loggerFormat = printf(({ level, message, label, timestamp, meta }) => {
return `${timestamp} [${label}] ${level}: ${message} ${meta ? meta : ''} `
const logger = winston.createLogger({
exitOnError: false,
format: combine(format.colorize(), format.json(), format.prettyPrint(), format.metadata(), label({ label: process.env.NODE_ENV || `localhost` }), timestamp(), loggerFormat),
transports: [
new transports.Console({
level: 'debug', // Debug messages will be
handleExceptions: true
I think I know the problem. The winston-graylog2 code does this ...
log(info, callback) {
const {message, level, metadata} = info;
const meta = Object.assign({}, metadata, this.staticMeta);
const cleanedMessage = message || '';
const shortMessage = cleanedMessage.substring(0, 100);
If message
is an object and not a string then cleanedMessage.substring(0, 100)
is going to fail. Looks to me the code assumes the message will be a string or undefined. It could check if the message is an object and then deal with that differently.
I think I know the problem. The winston-graylog2 code does this ...
log(info, callback) { const {message, level, metadata} = info; const meta = Object.assign({}, metadata, this.staticMeta); const cleanedMessage = message || ''; const shortMessage = cleanedMessage.substring(0, 100);
is an object and not a string thencleanedMessage.substring(0, 100)
is going to fail. Looks to me the code assumes the message will be a string or undefined. It could check if the message is an object and then deal with that differently.
I try to send a{'hello': 123}), just to test it and you are right, it fails with the exactly error on issue name. As a work around, I just check my messages type, and if is an object I convert it using JSON.stringify(message)