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SMTP docker container

Results 33 docker-smtp issues
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The image at Docker Hub is 2 years old, it is important to publish a new build to get the latest patches.

Hey, I have few SMTP containers under AWS load balancer. The problem is that the LB sends signals from internal IP which exim4 can't resolve. the result is a lot...

When connecting to Gmail via the `$GMAIL_USER` and `$GMAIL_PASSWORD` env variables, Google bugs me about it being a 'less secure app'. I tried enabling less secure apps, but it is...

Hello, not sure to write it here, but I can't solve the problem by myself, so... I used this docker image to run as single smtp server for web app...

As a security measure, the Dockerfile should have a USER directive in order to run using a non privileged user account. Can you add it ?

There were a bunch of exim4 security updates announced today, including several remote code executions. The fixes are in buster, so it should be a matter of rebuilding images...

Smtp does not seem to accept including 8 bit letter that are mime coded contains the following conditional block that is either incorrect or unnecessary: ``` if [ "$MAILNAME" ]; then echo "MAIN_TLS_ENABLE = yes" >> /etc/exim4/exim4.conf.localmacro s else echo "MAIN_TLS_ENABLE = yes"...

would be nice / convenient if there were ways to rewrite TO and/or FROM fields. using this as a very simple relay for a home lab would like to rewrite...

Previously, this added all connected ipv4 networks to enable relaying for all direclty connected hosts, but if a host would connect through an ipv6-enabled network and actually uses an ipv6...