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Python SDK for Splitwise

Splitwise Python SDK

This is the python sdk for Splitwise APIs. Pull requests and bug reports are welcomed.

Latest Version

The latest version of splitwise SDK is Splitwise-2.3.0


The detailed docs are hosted at readthedocs.org


Install using pip :

$ pip install splitwise

Register your application

Register your application on splitwise and get your consumer key and consumer secret.

Include splitwise in your application

from splitwise import Splitwise

Get splitwise instance

To get an instance to splitwise just provide the consumer key and secret.

sObj = Splitwise("<consumer key>","<consumer secret>")


To get the debug logs use

import logging


Authorize splitwise

Before you can make call to splitwise, you need to get access token of the user on whose behalf you will be making call. Think of it as login with splitwise. Its based on OAuth and its a 2 step process.


  1. Get the Authorize URL and Secret. Redirect the user to the Authorize url and store the secret in somewhere for eg in session.

    sObj = Splitwise("<consumer key>","<consumer secret>")
    url, secret = sObj.getAuthorizeURL()
    #Store secret so you can retrieve it later
    #redirect user to url
  2. After authorization splitwise will redirect the user back to the callback url that you provided during registration. It will also provide oauth_token and oauth_verifier that can be used along with secret from step 1 to get access token. The below snippet is from Flask application to extract parameters and then using SDK to get access token. This access token can be stored in your db to make calls on his/her behalf.

    oauth_token    = request.args.get('oauth_token')
    oauth_verifier = request.args.get('oauth_verifier')
    sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)
    access_token = sObj.getAccessToken(oauth_token,session['secret'],oauth_verifier)
    session['access_token'] = access_token


It is now possible to use OAuth2 with Splitwise. For details you can refer to readthedocs.org


You can use API Key provided by Splitwise to test APIs for your user.

sObj = Splitwise("<consumer key>","<consumer secret>",api_key="<api key>")
current = sObj.getCurrentUser()

Get data from splitwise

Once you have the access token you can make the calls to splitwise. Get the splitwise instance and set the access token and then make authorized calls.

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)

Get Current User

You can use getCurrentUser() to get the current user. It returns a CurrentUser object.

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)

Get User

You can use getUser(id) to get the user. It returns a User object.

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)
id = 7123
user = sObj.getUser(id)

Update User

You can use updateUser(user) to update the user. It takes in a partial CurrentUser object with atleast id set. It returns a CurrentUser object. Note that you can update anything for your user and first_name, last_name and email for any acquaintances who has not created account yet.

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)
user = User()
updated_user, error = sObj.updateUser(user)

Get Friends

You can use getFriends() to get all the friends of the current user along with the balances. It returns a list of Friend objects.

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)

Get Groups

You can use getGroups() to get all the groups of the current user along with the members and balances. It returns a list of Group objects.

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)

Get Currencies

You can use getCurrencies() to get all the currencies supported by splitwise. It returns a list of Currency objects.

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)

Get Category

You can use getCategories() to get all the categories and sub categories provided by splitwise. It returns a list of Category objects.

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)

Get Group

You can use getGroup(id) to get the particular group of the current user along with the members and balances. It returns a Group object. Use id as 0 to get all non group expenses.

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)

Get Expenses

You can use getExpenses(offset,limit,group_id,friendship_id,dated_after,dated_before,updated_after,updated_before) to get all the expenses of the current user based on filter options. It returns a list of Expense objects.

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)

Get Expense

You can use getExpense(id) to get the particular expense of the current user. It returns a Expense object.

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)

Create Expense

You can use createExpense(Expense) to create a new Expense. It takes in parameter a partial Expense object and returns an Expense object.

Following things need to be set on the Expense object.

  1. Cost
  2. Description
  3. Users - Should be a list of ExpenseUser with id and paidShare and owedShare set.
from splitwise.expense import Expense
from splitwise.user import ExpenseUser

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)

expense = Expense()

user1 = ExpenseUser()

user2 = ExpenseUser()

users = []


expense, errors = sObj.createExpense(expense)
print expense.getId()

Create Group

You can use createGroup(Group) to create a new Group. It takes in parameter a partial Group object and returns an Group object.

Following things need to be set on the Group object.

  1. Name
  2. Users - Should be a list of User with either FirstName, LastName and Email or just Id set.
from splitwise.group import Group
from splitwise.user import User

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)

group = Group()

user1 = User()

user2 = User()

users = []


group, errors = sObj.createGroup(group)
print group.getId()

Add user to group

You can use addUserToGroup(User, group_id) to add user to group. It takes in a splitwise.user.User object that has either id or firstName and email set and a group_id.

from splitwise.group import Group
from splitwise.user import User

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)

user = User()

success, user, errors = sObj.addUserToGroup(user, 4456)


Delete group

You can use deleteGroup(group_id) to delete an existing group.

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)

success, errors = sObj.deleteGroup(4456)


Update Expense

You can use updateExpense(Expense) to update an existing Expense. It takes in parameter a partial Expense object and returns an Expense object.

Following things need to be set on the Expense object.

  1. Id
  2. any field you would want to update
from splitwise.expense import Expense

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)

expense = Expense()
expense.id = 12345678
expense.setDescription("Updated description")

expense, errors = sObj.updateExpense(expense)

Delete expense

You can use deleteExpense(expense_id) to delete an existing expense.

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)

success, errors = sObj.deleteExpense(4456)


Get Comments

You can use getComments(id) to get the comments made on an expense. It returns an array of Comment object.

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)
id = 982430660
comments = sObj.getComments(id)

Create Comment

You can use createComment(Comment) to create a new Comment. It takes in parameters expense_id and content and returns a Comment object.

Following are the parameters passed.

  1. expense_id
  2. content

from splitwise import Splitwise

sObj = Splitwise(Config.consumer_key,Config.consumer_secret)

expense_id = 982430660
content = "Test for create comment"

comment, errors = sObj.createComment(expense_id,content)

print("content:", comment.getContent())
print("errors:", errors)




  1. getId() - Returns the id of the user
  2. getFirstName() - Returns the first name of user
  3. getLastName() - Returns the last name of user
  4. getEmail() - Returns the email of the user
  5. getRegistrationStatus() - Returns the registraion status of the user
  6. getPicture() - Returns a Picture object containing picture details
  7. setId(id) - Sets the id of the user
  8. setFirstName(first_name) - Sets the first name of user
  9. setLastName(last_name) - Sets the last name of user
  10. setEmail(email) - Sets the email of the user


Current user is inherited from User. All the methods of user are available for current user.


  1. getDefaultCurrency() - Returns the default currency
  2. getLocale() - Returns the locale
  3. getDateFormat() - Returns the date format
  4. getDefaultGroupId() - Returns the default group id of user


Friend is inherited from User. All the methods of user are available for friend.


  1. getUpdatedAt() - Gets the time when this user information was last updated
  2. getBalances() - Returns a list of Balance objects
  3. getGroups() - Returns a list of FriendGroup objects

Expense User

ExpenseUser is inherited from User. All the methods of user are available for Expense User.


  1. getPaidShare() - Returns the Paid Share
  2. getOwedShare() - Returns the Owed Share
  3. getNetBalance() - Returns the Net Balance
  4. setPaidShare(paid_share) - Sets the Paid Share
  5. setOwedShare(owed_share) - Sets the Owed Share



  1. getId() - Returns the id of the group
  2. getName() - Returns the name of the group
  3. getUpdatedAt() - Get the time this group was last updated
  4. getWhiteBoard() - Get the whiteboard contents of this group
  5. isSimplifiedByDefault() - Returns if group is simplified by default or not
  6. getMembers() - Returns a list of Friend objects
  7. getOriginalDebts() - Returns a list of Debt objects
  8. getType() - Returns the type of group
  9. getGroupType() - Returns the type of group
  10. getSimplifiedDebts() - Returns a list of Debt objects
  11. getInviteLink() - Returns the invite link
  12. setName(name) - Sets the name of the group
  13. setCountryCode(code) - Sets the country code of the group
  14. setWhiteBoard(text) - Sets the whiteboard contents of this group
  15. isSimplifiedByDefault(bool) - Sets if group is simplified by default or not
  16. setMembers(users) - Sets a list of Friend objects
  17. addMember(user) - Add to a list of Friend objects
  18. setType(type) - Sets the type of group
  19. setGroupType(type) - Sets the type of group



  1. getId() - Returns the id of the group
  2. getBalances() - Returns a list of Balance object
  3. setId(id) - sets the id of the group



  1. getCurrencyCode() - Returns the currency code.
  2. getAmount() - Returns the amount



  1. getSubcategories() - Returns a list of Category objects
  2. getId() - Returns the id of category
  3. getName() - Returns the name of the category



  1. getCode() - Returns the Currency Code
  2. getUnit() - Returns the Currency Unit



  1. getFromUser() - Returns the id of the from user
  2. getToUser() - Returns the id of the to user
  3. getAmount() - Returns the amount of the debt
  4. getCurrencyCode() - Returns the currency code of debt



  1. getId() - Returns the id of expense
  2. getGroupId() - Returns the id of the group expense belongs to
  3. getDescription() - Returns the description of expense
  4. isRepeat() - Returns if expense is repeat or not
  5. getRepeatInterval() - Returns the repeat interval of expense
  6. getEmailReminder() - Returns Email reminder
  7. getEmailReminderInAdvance() - Returns email reminder in advance
  8. getNextRepeat() - Returns the time of next repeat
  9. getDetails() - Returns the detail of expense
  10. getCommentsCount() - Returns the number of comments
  11. getPayment() - Returns the payment of expense
  12. getCreationMethod() - Returns the creation method of expense
  13. getTransactionMethod() - Returns the transaction method of expense
  14. getTransactionConfirmed() - Returns if transaction is confirmed
  15. getCost() - Returns the cost of transaction
  16. getCurrencyCode() - Returns the currency code of transaction
  17. getCreatedBy() - Returns a User object of user who created the expense
  18. getDate() - Returns the expense date.
  19. getCreatedAt() - Returns the date time expense was created
  20. getUpdatedAt() - Returns the date time expense was last updated
  21. getDeletedAt() - Returns the date time expense was deleted
  22. getReceipt() - Returns a Receipt object for receipt
  23. getCategory() - Returns a Category object for category
  24. getUpdatedBy() - Returns a User object of user who last updated the expense
  25. getDeletedBy() - Returns a User object of user who deleted the expense
  26. getUsers() - Returns a list of ExpenseUser objects
  27. getExpenseBundleId() - Returns Expense Bundle ID
  28. getFriendshipId() - Returns the Friendship ID
  29. getRepayments() - Returns a list of Debt objects
  30. setGroupId(id) - Sets the id of the group expense belongs to
  31. setDescription(description) - Sets the description of expense
  32. setRepeatInterval(interval) - Sets the repeat interval of expense
  33. setCost(cost) - Sets the cost of transaction
  34. setCurrencyCode(code) - Sets the currency code of transaction
  35. setSplitEqually(is_split_equally) - Sets if expense is to be split equally
  36. setReceipt(receipt) - Sets a Receipt object for receipt
  37. setCategory(category) - Sets a Category object for category
  38. setUsers(users) - Sets a list of ExpenseUser objects
  39. addUser(user) - Adds to a list of ExpenseUser objects
  40. setReceipt(receiptPath) - Adds the file as a receipt
  41. setDetails(details) - Sets the expense details



  1. getSmall() - Returns the link to the small image
  2. getMedium() - Returns the link to the medium image
  3. getLarge() - Returns the link to the large image



  1. getOriginal() - Returns the link to the original uploaded receipt
  2. getLarge() - Returns the link to large image of uploaded receipt



  1. getId() - Returns the id of the comment
  2. getContent() - Returns comment message
  3. getCommentType() - Returns comment type
  4. getRelationType() - Returns relation type of the comment
  5. getRelationId() - Returns relation id
  6. getCreatedAt() - Returns datetime at which comment was created
  7. getDeletedAt(id) - Returns datetime at which comment was deleted
  8. getUser() - Returns a User object containing user details

Sample Application

This is the GitHub Link to the sample application written in Flask to show the usage of splitwise application.




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