net-eval icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
net-eval copied to clipboard

Dead Simple Distributed Computing for Clojure


A Clojure library designed to execute code on remote nodes.


Start the REPL by running lein repl in the top directory. Start a worker:

(use '[net-eval.core :only [start-worker]])
(start-worker 4321)

In another terminal (possibly on anther computer) start the REPL again, define a task and send it to the worker.

(use 'net-eval.core)

(deftask sum-and-print-task [x y]
 (let [s (+ x y)]
   (println s)

(def ip "localhost")
(def response (net-eval [[ip 4321 #'sum-and-print-task 4 5]
                         [ip 4321 #'sum-and-print-task 6 9]]))
(println (map deref response))