Results 226 comments of Simonas Kazlauskas

I recall it being much better in a sense that it gives libfuzzer an opportunity to see unique crashes easier. Or at least that was the case back when I...

Instead of conforming to XDG by default I'd be happy with cabal-install reading an environment variable telling cabal where its config is. Environment variables are much more persistent than some...

You can do this now by using `rustChannelOfTargets "nightly" null ["target1", "target2"]`.

It is more straightforward to derive the relationship between data passed in as a buffer and its use in code, than when it needs to go through the iterator machinery....

I imagine the most straightforward way would probably be to generate unsigned integers and use one of the distributions to make them into a float (maybe taken from the [rand](

`Arbitrary` is not an RNG, so I don't think it makes much sense to impose uniformity requirements on its implementors. Instead most of the implementations will and do focus on...

Many linuxes should be covered by putting the environment to both `~/.pam_environment` and `~/.profile`, though it is a bag of worms because either or both can be disabled, not run...

As I commented above, we probably want to solve this is in a way that’s shell-independent. On linux that’d be `.pam_environment` and on macOS we’d use `launchctl`. This will only...

> However, it sounds like the ability to detect both the has_atomics case and the atomic_cas case would be some distance off `cfg(target_has_atomic="ptr")` is what this library calls `atomic_cas` (for...

I can reproduce this issue as well. So far I was able to encounter this with hardware ledger only.