VRPlayspaceMover copied to clipboard
Playspace Bindings Broke (SteamVR 1.14.15 update)
I've been using Playspace for a while now and that I've noticed that I think the new SteamVR update (1.14.15) seemed to have changed Oculus binding masks. When I ran the program, there were no errors. It found SteamVR and VR Input Emulator and did it was supposed to do. However, the buttons on my controllers didn't move my playspace like it supposed to. I've ran a boost fix but to no avail. Have tried reconfiguring launch commands like switching numbers around for -l -r and --resetButtonMask however that didn't work either. Unless these mask values have changed, I have no clue what they might be.
SYS: Windows 10 Pro x64 CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB RAM: 16GB DDR4 2666mhz
Oculus Program Drivers: Up to Date SteamVR Version: 1.14.15 Installed Programs: OVR Advanced Settings, VR Input Emulator, VR Space Calibrator, and VR Playspace Mover.
If anyone has insight in this, please reply to this thread. Thanks.
The latest update broke my Playspace Mover as well and I'm on different hardware from above. I have an HTC Vive headset and Valve Index hand controllers. I tried the command line button mask thing and didn't work for me either.
yeah same here i have rift s and its just not working anymore
ya same problem here
have vive/w index controller, and playspace just dosnt work anymore either :/
It was simply a driver version change in SteamVR and just changing it so the version isn't hard coded in has fixed it for a few things now. See this thread
I have no idea of the process of pulling and patching things in github and am not a user of this feature so not sure how it's suppoed to work to be able to test it (I use the one built into openvr advanced settings - came here as lots of people seem to still be using this one so wanted to see if it's actually actively worked on), but certain someone has to have the know-how!
It turns out that for people using vive trackers whilst running hybrid setups with Oculus equipment, the newest version of Space Calibrator will fix calibration issues and return it to normal. However for naelstrof's playspace mover it still remains a problem. In the meanwhile, there is another way to get playspace to work. It requires messing around with settings and controller bindings in the SteamVR menu and OVR Advanced Settings tab. The newest version of OVR Advanced Settings includes the option for Space Dragging and Space Fixing, which are similar to how playspace mover works in a way.
- Go to "Motion" and enable Space Drag for left and right hands. If "Comfort Zone" is any number other than 0, make it so.
- Go to SteamVR settings and go to the Controller section.
- Select "Show old bindings menu"
- Look for "OVR Advanced Settings" or "Advanced Settings" in the bindings tab.
- Edit your bindings to where you could use Space Drag (For example, on Oculus CV1 controllers, I set A/X for Space Drag on button press).
- Save bindings and you should be able to move your playspace.
To reset your playspace, what I did was head over to OVR settings and selected Space Fix, then selected the Revert option at the bottom. Hope this helps for some.
found out atleast for me, issue got solved by getting this /shrug https://store.steampowered.com/app/1009850/OVR_Advanced_Settings/
Anyone find a fix for this yet? (Oculus)
found out atleast for me, issue got solved by getting this /shrug https://store.steampowered.com/app/1009850/OVR_Advanced_Settings/
Just installing OVR Advanced Setting did made playspace work again or are you using OVRT or a setting in that to enable PM? Thanks
found out atleast for me, issue got solved by getting this /shrug https://store.steampowered.com/app/1009850/OVR_Advanced_Settings/
Just installing OVR Advanced Setting did made playspace work again or are you using OVRT or a setting in that to enable PM? Thanks
I get a blank/black screen when I use OVR advanced settings, so this was not a fix for me :(
for me only installed OVRT fixed my issue for me, using vive (resetting playspace, and heigh also helped)
It turns out that for people using vive trackers whilst running hybrid setups with Oculus equipment, the newest version of Space Calibrator will fix calibration issues and return it to normal. However for naelstrof's playspace mover it still remains a problem. In the meanwhile, there is another way to get playspace to work. It requires messing around with settings and controller bindings in the SteamVR menu and OVR Advanced Settings tab. The newest version of OVR Advanced Settings includes the option for Space Dragging and Space Fixing, which are similar to how playspace mover works in a way.
- Go to "Motion" and enable Space Drag for left and right hands. If "Comfort Zone" is any number other than 0, make it so.
- Go to SteamVR settings and go to the Controller section.
- Select "Show old bindings menu"
- Look for "OVR Advanced Settings" or "Advanced Settings" in the bindings tab.
- Edit your bindings to where you could use Space Drag (For example, on Oculus CV1 controllers, I set A/X for Space Drag on button press).
- Save bindings and you should be able to move your playspace.
To reset your playspace, what I did was head over to OVR settings and selected Space Fix, then selected the Revert option at the bottom. Hope this helps for some.
This works, and it eliminates the need for Playspace Mover entirely since OVR Advanced Setting now has that ability. Cheers!
found out atleast for me, issue got solved by getting this /shrug https://store.steampowered.com/app/1009850/OVR_Advanced_Settings/
Just installing OVR Advanced Setting did made playspace work again or are you using OVRT or a setting in that to enable PM? Thanks
I get a blank/black screen when I use OVR advanced settings, so this was not a fix for me :(
If that doesn't work, you should be able to get old playspace mover working by going to this project's issues section -- someone posted a dll to replace in your files that fixes the driver change issue. It is a temporary bandaid though: next update may change more than just a version number, which may require a full refactoring (and there are no active devs to do that). OVRAS has several active devs and regular releases on Steam while still being open source.