asterisk-audiofork copied to clipboard
Called is disconnected after 1-2 seconds
I wonder why my call is getting disconnected almost immediately, even though audiofork keeps receiving frames....
Connected to Asterisk 18.15.1 currently running on ithelpdesk1 (pid = 26106) -- Executing [@mycontext:1] NoOp("SIP/voipms-00000000", "") in new stack -- Executing [@mycontext:2] Verbose("SIP/voipms-00000000", "starting audio fork") in new stack starting audio fork -- Executing [@mycontext:3] AudioFork("SIP/voipms-00000000", "ws://localhost:8080/") in new stack == <SIP/voipms-00000000> [AudioFork] (both) Setting Direction == <SIP/voipms-00000000> [AudioFork] Setting reconnection attempts to 5 == <SIP/voipms-00000000> [AudioFork] Setting reconnection timeout to 5 == <SIP/voipms-00000000> [AudioFork] (both) Setting wsserver: ws://localhost:8080/ == <SIP/voipms-00000000> [AudioFork] (both) Completed Setup == <SIP/voipms-00000000> [AudioFork] (both) Added AudioHook Spy -- Executing [@mycontext:4] Verbose("SIP/voipms-00000000", "audio fork was started continuing call..") in new stack audio fork was started continuing call.. -- Executing [@mycontext:5] Playback("SIP/voipms-00000000", "hello-world") in new stack == <SIP/voipms-00000000> [AudioFork] (both) Keeping Call-ID Association == <SIP/voipms-00000000> [AudioFork] (both) Connecting websocket server at: ws://localhost:8080/ == <SIP/voipms-00000000> [AudioFork] (both) Creating WS without TLS == <SIP/voipms-00000000> [AudioFork] (both) Begin AudioFork Recording SIP/voipms-00000000 -- <SIP/voipms-00000000> Playing 'hello-world.gsm' (language 'en') -- Executing [@mycontext:6] Hangup("SIP/voipms-00000000", "") in new stack == Spawn extension (mycontext, ****, 6) exited non-zero on 'SIP/voipms-00000000' == <SIP/voipms-00000000> [AudioFork] (both) AST_AUDIOHOOK_STATUS_RUNNING = 0 == WebSocket connection to '[::1]:8080' closed == <SIP/voipms-00000000> [AudioFork] (both) Post Process == <SIP/voipms-00000000> [AudioFork] (both) End AudioFork Recording to: ws://localhost:8080/
got connection received frame.. received frame.. received frame.. received frame.. received frame.. received frame.. received frame.. received frame.. received frame.. received frame.. received frame.. received frame..
Hello @rknetwork,
Thanks for creating this issue.
Can you please also include your dialplan so I can have a look at that ?
Here is my dialplan:
same => n,Progress() same => n,AudioFork(ws://${UCID}, D(in,out)) same => n,Dial(PJSIP/${EXTEN}@drachtio_out,,b(addHeaders^addHeaderXRetHdr^1(${XReturnHeader}))) same => n,HangUp()
with this dialplan. my call is still continue but the audio fork stop sending new data to the websocket server.
@nadirhamid does this repo still active?