
Results 22 issues of nadilas

A baseline rabbitMQ provider for subscribing to exchanges with optional support for routing keys. Publish still needs to be implemented though...

Fix ansible version if the script is re-run multiple times Fix for via hosts file

fixes missing computed property

Could we potentially get exported types for the api methods? e.g. Something along the lines of: ``` export interface ThirdPartySignInUpPOSTInput { provider: TypeProvider; code: string; redirectURI: string; authCodeResponse?: any;...

Addresses #30

Hey guys, this is a great library! Looking at the generator we could potentially add an optional `.d.ts` output? Any reason you already discussed against doing this?

**What version of protobuf and what language are you using?** Version: master/v3.6.0/v3.5.0 etc. Language: Javascript **What operating system Linux, Windows and version?** **What runtime / compiler are you using (e.g.,...


Hey there, I have no trouble using standard ftp://, but when selecting ftps:// my builds fail. ``` Step 4/4: EUDeployer (FTP Deployer) (1m:19s) [22:50:02][Step 4/4] Starting upload via FTPS to...

Could you add the AuditLogs methods similar to the Go client?

Hi, are there any plans to implement a cancel token for the on-going requests?