Johnathan Nader
Johnathan Nader
Try the newest version, I am getting consistently 30 fps with default options `pip install --upgrade backgroundremover`
@mindsocket just applied a fix. i do 't have a mac, but did it fail before? Since I put a try/except. If not i can do another validation
Try the new version, should work on windows `pip install --upgrade backgroundremover`
If you want to try the new version, finally got around to fixing the 0kb issue in none linux I believe. `pip install --upgrade backgroundremover`
Okay, so just to clarify as I have never used Docker (ansible type of guy). I just go to docker, make an account and you then make a pull request...
Okay, progress on this, If some one wants to make a PR to this repo with the file, I think then I can push it to docker? I can...
Awesome, token made. If you want I can make you a collaborator on the Docker
Closed in
I will fix video over lay on this commit
You can try and update backgroundremover now to see if I fixed it.