angular-multimocks copied to clipboard
passThrough option
How can I use passThrough?
I open changeRequest with a fix for this
Hey @omer72,
Thanks for your PR, I have added a few comments.
@nabil-boag I fixed what you asked, I didn't wrote a test since I couldn't run the current tests, they all failed
Can you provide more details about what is going wrong with running tests? What environment are you running in? What is your OS? What node version do you have?
$ grunt build test
Running "jshint:source" (jshint) task
>> 11 files lint free.
Running "jscs:source" (jscs) task
>> 11 files without code style errors.
Running "clean:build" (clean) task
Cleaning "app/build"...OK
Running "copy:build" (copy) task
Created 5 directories, copied 15 files
Running "karma:headless_unit" (karma) task
INFO [karma]: Karma v0.12.37 server started at http://localhost:9876/
INFO [launcher]: Starting browser PhantomJS
INFO [PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Linux 0.0.0)]: Connected on socket dxWYn_ZTXdKBQPtxzBAx with id 25048316
PhantomJS 1.9.8 (Linux 0.0.0): Executed 30 of 30 SUCCESS (0.059 secs / 0.043 secs)
Done, without errors.
ruuning on Windows 7 Professional
D:\workspace\git\dev\angular-multimocks>grunt build test Running "jshint:source" (jshint) task
11 files lint free.
Running "jscs:source" (jscs) task Invalid line break at Gruntfile.js : 1 |/* global module, require / ------------------------------------^ 2 | 3 |module.exports = function (grunt) { Invalid line break at karma-unit.conf.js : 1 |/ global module / ---------------------------^ 2 | 3 |// Karma configuration Invalid line break at app/src/demo/Gruntfile.js : 1 |/ globals module / ----------------------------^ 2 | 3 |module.exports = function (grunt) { Invalid line break at app/src/demo/mockOutput.js : 1 |/ global angular / ----------------------------^ 2 | 3 |angular Invalid line break at app/src/js/multimocks.responseDelay.js : 1 |/ global angular / ----------------------------^ 2 | 3 |angular Invalid line break at app/src/js/multimocks.responseDelay.spec.js : 1 |/ global describe, beforeEach, jasmine, module, inject, it, expect / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ 2 | 3 |describe('multimocks.responseDelay', function () { Invalid line break at app/src/js/multimocks.spec.js : 1 |/ global describe, beforeEach, jasmine, module, inject, it, expect / ------------------------------------------------------------------------------^ 2 | 3 |describe('multimocks', function () { Invalid line break at tasks/plugins.js : 1 |/ global module, require / ------------------------------------^ 2 | 3 |module.exports = { Invalid line break at tasks/writeMultimocks.js : 1 |/ global require, module, process / ---------------------------------------------^ 2 | 3 |module.exports = function (grunt) { Invalid line break at tasks/plugins/hal.js : 1 |/ global module, require */ ------------------------------------^ 2 | 3 |var _ = require('lodash');
10 code style errors found! Warning: Task "jscs:source" failed. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
It looks like you are having some issues with JSCS.
What version of jscs are you running?
Type npm view jscs version
to find out.
While you sort that out, you can stop JSCS from running by commenting out line 19 in Gruntfile.js
grunt.registerTask('build', [
// 'jscs', <-- Comment this out
This should allow the project to build. You can then run gunt build test