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A multiarch docker image for Tiny Tiny RSS feed reader

Tiny Tiny RSS docker image


Host Tiny Tiny RSS instance in a docker container supporting amd64, arm64 and arm architectures (RaspberryPi).

  • Available images and tags
  • Features
  • Configuration
  • Usage
    • Prepare the database
    • Run TTRSS instance
  • Tests and development
  • Maintenance
    • Restoring a PostgreSQL database

Available images and tags

The following multi-architecture image is available:

Hint: tags are following calver versionning with pattern vYYYY.MM.DD.


Some additionnals features are added to the base installation of TT-RSS:


We are now using configuration through environment variables from upstream project. Refer to this documentation.


Create a network:

docker network create ttrss_net

Prepare the database

You have 2 choices: postgresql or mysql database.

Create a postgresql database:

docker run \
  -d \
  --name ttrss_database \
  -v ttrss_db_vol:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
  -e POSTGRES_USER=ttrss \
  --network ttrss_net \

Create a mysql database:

docker run \
  -d \
  --name ttrss_database \
  -v ttrss_db_vol:/var/lib/mysql \
  -e MYSQL_DATABASE=ttrss \
  -e MYSQL_USER=ttrss \
  -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=ttrss \
  -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=ttrssroot \
  --network ttrss_net \

Run TTRSS instance

Run ttrss instance (adapt TTRSS_DB_TYPE to mysql if database is MySQL / MariaDB):

docker run \
  -d \
  --name ttrss \
  -e TTRSS_DB_HOST="ttrss_database" \
  -e TTRSS_DB_TYPE="pgsql" \
  -p 8000:80 \
  --network ttrss_net \

Open browser to http://localhost:8000/. Login as admin with password password.

Tests and development

Adapt the Dockerfile to your needs.

Then test the image locally:

# PostgresSQL
cd tests/ttrss-pgsql && docker-compose up --build

cd tests/ttrss-mysql && docker-compose up --build

Open browser to http://localhost:8000/. Login as admin with password password.


Restoring a PostgreSQL database

# Using docker
docker exec -i <database_container_id> \
  pg_restore \
    --no-acl \
    --no-owner \
    -U ttrss \
    -d ttrss < <pgdump_filename>

# Using docker-compose
docker-compose exec -T database \
  pg_restore \
    --no-acl \
    --no-owner \
    -U ttrss \
    -d ttrss < /home/vbesancon/tmp/db_ttrss_1615503601.pgdump