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Databinder: a toolkit for data-driven Wicket applications
Please see the Databinder Web site for documentation and usage examples:
Version History
1.2.1 Updates Databinder to the latest Wicket and Hibernate versions.
1.2 This release represents a significant refactor of the Databinder toolkit to allow it to work with any underlying persistence technology. Core functionality now resides in modules like databinder-models, while specific functionality is in databinder-models-hib for Hibernate, or databinder-models-ao for ActiveObjects. The "databinder" dependency that was used through 1.1 is now databinder-app and databinder-app-hib for Hibernate applications.
Migration to the new codebase is fairly straightforward. The first step is to refer to the appropriate new Maven artifact name, databinder-app-hib for most applications. Then update dependencies for your IDE, as there are number of class and page renames to work through. Some changes were made to accomodate the new persistence-agnostic structure, others are there just to bundle desired, breaking changes in one release. There aren't any major significant conceptual changes. The renames are as follows:
- DataStaticService -> Databinder
- ICriteriaBuilder -> CriteriaBuilder
- IQueryBuilder -> QueryBuilder
- IQueryBinder -> QueryBinder
- DatabinderProvider -> HibernateProvider (follows HibernateObjectModel, et al.)
A global search and replace for those terms, followed by an "organize imports" command (or whatever is appropriate for your IDE) to find classes in their new *.hib packages should fix most compilation errors. One change to look out for is that HibernateObjectModel will now return null when initialized with an identifier that doesn't match any entities, to conform to its existing behavior when initialized with queries or criteria.
Note that this upgrade shouldn't be considered obligatory for Hibernate applications. The 1.1 line will continue to receive fixes and minor features as users require. Speak up on the forum you need anything.
Although Hibernate models are functionally the same in this release, there is one bonus: the new databinder-valid-hib module uses Hibernate Validator to automatically validate against annotated data classes. The recipe book example demonstrates the new module, which should an easy way to eliminate some code in forms with basic validation needs.
Other changes and additions:
- Bookmarks example switched to demonstrate ActiveObjects support
- "sign in for two weeks" checked by default for databinder-auth-components
- databinder-dispatch rewritten in Scala and using plain HTTP rather than XML-RPC
- PropertyQueryBinder binds all query parameters to properties or fields of a given object
- SearchPanel uses PropertyQueryPanel and internal model, may require code changes for client apps
- QueryBinderBuilder turns binders into builders, so that toolkit classes need only deal with builders
1.1.2 Depends on Wicket 1.3.3 and the latest Hibernate modules, to be obtained directly from the JBoss repository. This is the first Databinder release to depend on non-central repositories. As a result, this release may not itself be housed on the central repository. Existing Databinder applications will need to include add following to pom.xml:
<name>Databinder repository</name>
- New SortableDatabinderProvder contributed by Mark Southern, for to handle DataTable and other sorting with less client code; Baseball example updated to demonstrate.
- Access to base panel's components in subclasses of sign in and register panels.
- Fix for multiple session factory bug; could leave a session open if other sessions did not need to be closed.
1.1.1 Adds modelChanged() calls to DataForm to prevent stale UI state when clearing or changing model object, and checks model binding on detach (if unbound) so that a manual call after saving an entity is unnecessary.
All-new DataTree class and companion components facilitate persistance
of Wicket/Swing rendered trees.
Databinder-draw is now distributed through the central Maven repository,
as are the Batik libraries it depends upon.
1.1 Compatible with Wicket 1.3.0, this version improves upon Databinder's interface with Hibernate such that an external session and transaction manager (such as Spring) can be use with Databinder's model and component classes. The runnable DataServer class provides a simple embedded Jetty configuration that can be used in development and production. Several new data-oriented components are available, such as the DataBrowser (contributed by Xavier Hanin---merci !) and SourceList components.
- Centralization of session-fetching in DataStaticService rather than DataRequestCycle
- Use of Hibernate's "current session" facility to support external session and transaction management
- Upgrade Hibernate dependency to
- Experimental support of conversational Hibernate sessions
- Retain serialized unsaved objects by default
- Databinder dispatch, an interface to Ruby-based text processing libraries
- IterableEntityView, an analogue for to ListView for an Collection (not position-dependent)
- Refactoring of DatabinderProvider now that DataView is Wicket core
- URIConverter, URIValidator, ColorConverter
- Authorization refactor: localizable strings, extensible layout by "sockets and plugs", UserBase as unmapped base user class
- Authorization cookies bound to IP address, and specific to servlet context
- Authorization password encrypted by javascript
- HibernateObjectModel#isBound method reports if entity has identifiers to be loaded from storage
- Page versioning restored to Wicket default
- Implementations of equals and hashcode for HibernateObjectModel that refer to target object
- DataBrowser mounting to /dbrowse in development mode
- DataApplication init() refactor, calling super() no longer necessary
1.0 Uses Wicket's Application.getConfigurationType() rather than tracking configuration independently, to gain compatibility with other methods of specifying wicket.configuration.
Removed deprecated addRegisterPanel method of DataSignInPage and
deprecated RedirectServlet. Added odd/even style definitions to
DataPage.css to simplify DataTable use.
Improved HTML validity of example application pages, and changed
delete link of bookmark application to a form button.
0.9 Improved transaction handling now rolls back any uncommitted transactions before closing a Hibernate session. Unhandled runtime exceptions will trigger an immediate rollback and session closure.
The new IQueryBuilder interface allows applications to construct
their own Hibernate (named/SQL) queries for Hibernate object
and list models. HibernateObjectModel is now writable,
facilitating use with DropDownChoice components needing
independent models.
RenderedLabel has a shared resource setting that caches common
renderings within the application at a permanent URL. Empty
labels (with no text or blank text) are no longer rendered as
IMG tags at all. There are several improvements in the
authentication defaults, including a sign in link that remembers
the current page and centered sign in and registration screens.
In examples, the message floater has a Cajo version of its
applet, and phone directory adds dropdown category filtering
(using a writable HibernateObjectModel).
0.8 Many base classes in the toolkit have been refactored to be more flexible, including DataApplication, AuthDataApplication, DataRequestCycle, and AuthDataRequestCycle. Existing applications that override default functionality in base classes may need to make minor changes to compile against this version.
The Hibernate session factory is now easily accessible from
outside a Wicket request cycle, in DatabinderStaticService. An
exception is thrown if the session factory is not initialized,
provoked by the common error of overriding DataApplication.init()
without calling its super-implementation.
The focusable form input from the recipe book example is now a
toolkit component, FocusableTextField. SearchPanel now has a
submit button for better compatibility with older browsers (and
users). AjaxOnKeyPause handles backspace correctly with IE,
and it no longer needs to be the first Ajax behavior on a page.
DataRegistrationPanel uses a PasswordInputValidator to avoid
exposing passwords.
The JavaScript and stylesheet link components now extend
appropriate resource reference classes in the Wicket hierarchy.
DataPage's default stylesheet has been improved to follow form
label guidelines, and feedback messages have a new appearance.
Wicket and Hibernate Annotations dependencies have been updated to
1.2.2 and 3.2.0 RC2 respectively. MySQL connector (in data-app and
examples) is at version 5.0.3.
0.7 Wicket DataView support arrives in this version. Though it has always been possible to write your own IDataProvider, Databinder now includes one for you. See the baseball players example.
The provided User class has been renamed DataUser to avoid that
reserved table name in some databases. You will need to update
any code referring to this class. Subclassing of DataSignInPage
has been streamlined.
The data-app archetype now includes a sample entity. In web.xml
it uses the new RedirectFilter class to send context-root
requests to the Wicket servlet. All Databinder projects using
the now-deprecated RedirectServlet are encouraged to switch to
RedirectFilter as it permits static content under the
RenderedLabel now loads its image when its markup is rendered,
so that drawing the image when it is later requested will
not require a model to be reattached.
PageStyleLink and PropertyListModel, which have been deprecated
for some time, are now out of the library. The StyleLink and
ScriptLink classes have been rewritten to fall under the
PackagedResourceReference component, requiring the removal of
their constructors that took the Class object as an IModel.
Please use these classes with a simple Class object.
0.6 This version adds integration with the wicket-auth-roles package via the AuthDataApplication superclass. Default implementation classes for users and roles are built in, along with basic sign in, registration, and remember-me functionality. The recipe book example demonstrates selective authentication for data editing.
A new SublistProjectionModel class breaks lists into chunked or
transposed sublists for common rendering styles (see bookmarks).
A RenderedLabel component renders its model into an image using
any font available to the JVM, as demonstrated in the new
graffiti example. AjaxOnKeyPausedUpdater triggers Ajax updates
when input pauses in a TextField or TextArea and replaces the
old "every key" behavior of SearchPanel. Added support for
Hibernate criteria queries to object and list models.
Changed structure of data-app archetype to be compatible with
Maven 2.0.4. HTML and property resources are now stored
alongside Java sources by default. Incremented versions of
several dependencies, including Wicket to 1.2.1 which now
enforces that session-stored objects be Serializable by default.
0.5 Trimming and meshing for Wicket 1.2, including deprecation of PropertyListView and removal of from the data-app archetype. Recognition of the wicket.configuration JVM parameter, in addition to net.databinder.configuration. Ajax convenience Wrapper class added.
Hibernate dependency updated to 3.2.0 cr2 and Annotations
3.2.0 cr1. Fixed bug leading to unknown entity exceptions caused
by Hibernate proxy classes. Added trigger for Hibernate
initialization on startup rather than the first page request.
HibernateObjectModel now loads objects upon instantiation so
that object not found (and other) exceptions can be easily
New overridable isCookielessSupported() method of DataApplication
allows URL rewriting to be disabled in Wicket so that search
engines can crawl bookmarkable links without jsessionid URL
RedirectServlet provided for easily sending requests from the
Web root to WicketServlet. Added configuration for this, as
well as the repository, to the data-app archetype.
0.4 Integration with Wicket 1.2 beta 2 and exploitation of its built-in Ajax capabilities. Databinder's new SearchPanel component provides ready-made live search functionality, and all three example applications have been updated to use Ajax as appropriate (or in some cases, just to show how it works).
HibernateObjectModel can now be initialized with a query for the
not-so-special case of eager fetch joins and scalar results.
In existing Databinder applications, subclasses of DataApplication
must change the visibility of getHomePage() from protected to
public, as Wicket has added exactly that method to its base
Application class. Other changes to your applications may be
necessary; see Wicket's 1.2 migration guide for more information:
0.3 New helper components: TextileLabel and DateLabel. The former renders its content using JTextile (modified for Java's built-in regular expression processor) and the latter using SimpleDateFormat with a supplied format string. A new recipe book example demonstrates the Textile support, as well as some basic Panel use, embedded Hibernate objects, and JavaScript.
Transparent version awareness added to DataForm, following a
method suggested in Martijn Dashorst's weblog. Attempting to
overwrite another user's unseen changes to an object now results
in a validation error.
Dependencies have been updated to Hibernate 3.1.2 for the
library, and jetty6beta9 in the archetype. Fixed a bug in the
DataForm(id, model) constructor; it now wraps the model in a
compound model as indicated in the comments. PageStyleLink has
been renamed StyleLink to reflect its applicability to any
component, and a new ScriptLink component helps attach JavaScript.
0.2 Dependencies are updated to Hibernate 3.1.1, Annotations 3.1beta8,and Wicket 1.1.1. DataApplication.getSessionFactory() is no longer final (nor overridden), and c3p0 pooling defaults to testing for closed connections. Wicket's log4j dependency is now excluded; add it to your <<<pom.xml>>> if you use it.
New component WebLink along with a URLConverter provide better
support for linking outside of Wicket. PageStyleLink makes it easy
to add a stylesheet specific to a page or component
DataRequestCycle now begins a Hibernate transaction when creating
a Hibernate session, and DataForm commits that transaction in
Improved Phone directory example applies optimistic locking,
and its ListAndEdit page uses a compact SearchFilter
implementation. New Bookmark example application is very short,
simple, and intended for Wicket novices.
0.1 Support for Hibernate 3.1, Hibernate Annotations 3.1beta7, and Wicket 1.1. This is the first public release of Databinder. All that is known for sure is that it can support the small Phone directory example application (available on Web site).
Nathan Hamblen / [email protected]