Bill Ricker
Bill Ricker
which you'd install as `/etc/bash_completion.d/ack` if i understand correctly. (I get path completion out of the box so haven't played with this, but providing hints and completion on --options spellings...
Tuning the OS filecache reservation and/or switching from spinning iron-oxide to SSD can greatly improve read speed. I have doubts about one tool having both cached-index mode and grep mode,...
While Perl and most other modern programming languages allow subroutine and variable names to be Unicode, and thus in the natural language of the coder, usage seen is nearly uniformly...
The other issue with Greek letters in particular is that they appear at multiple Unicode codepoints with different semantics ... there's Math Greek, with Bold etc … variants; there' s...
> Except for when your OCR engine takes a whitelist of allowed codepoints That could count as "wonderful provenance" :smile: . > digital humanities indeed. (One of the committee that...
FWIW, there is a [support forum]( - `ack-users` mailing list. Minor correction: Ack uses the Perl RE engine, in which `\p` is supported. (Ack's only differences from Perl RE are...
Additional note, the `sysread` incompatibility with the Unicode inputs workaround is _only_ in our pre-check optimization which may be turned off with `--passthru` (which will result in non-highlighted lines printing).
Additional aside re Perl RE engine and Unicode: One can not expect the RE `[ΑαΒβΓγΔδΕεΖζΗηΘθΙιΚκΛλΜμΝνΞξΟοΠπΡρΣσςΤτΥυΦφΧχΨψΩω]` or equivalent `[Α-Ωα-ω]` to match the "pre-composed" _accented_ Unicode codepoints in a text such as...
I confirm behavio[u]?r, in default US locale. Sad that DE locale doesn't 'just work'. :-( User Workaround appears to be to use a (seemingly, should be) redundant `\b` with `-w`...
I don't disagree about supporting searching beyond-ascii code being useful. `(?i)` and `\b`should work; `'ü'` _should_ be `\w` (and lowercase) in your locale at least, probably in mine too. It's...