Its working well for me on Windows. Behavior is as expected.
Still crashes in 1.5.20. Steps to reproduce: In any investment account create a new investment. In stock dialog enter shares & price, press "Save" When prompted to create a new...
Crash is on this line https://github.com/moneymanagerex/moneymanagerex/blob/67c46474a68d312254423c5c1fed6b15bfdc051d/src/stockdialog.cpp#L370
Sorry... crash isn't on that line, that's the last line which executes successfully. Crash is immediately after, so maybe its in the redraw of the stock list?
Thanks, I found the offending line was similar to the one in #4778, specifically a call to mmGUIFrame::RefreshNavigationTree. Fixed by PR #5079
Not sure if we were ready to implement this yet as it hasn't had any action in a few months, but I had a go at it using the regex[...]...
New PR #5144
Not a bug. @renato-mmex The share account section is showing the stock transaction withdrawal from the share account to the stock. This is based on the _purchase price_ of your...
I think this may have been resolved by #6074
Is there still an outstanding issue here? This seems to work fine. Yahoo doesn't have a rate for RUB/UAH or RUB/BYN but MMEX fetches the correct rate by converting through...