I've added a simple calculator popup to the transaction dialog and scheduled transaction dialog. The amount (if any) is transferred to the calculator when you press the button. You click...
> I have the following error messages when starting this version: There is a new icon added to the theme. Uses who run a custom theme need to manually add...
> By the way: on high-resolution screens, the calculator is very small and therefore difficult to use. I've changed to make it follow the Options -> Font Size setting: Normal:...
> Hope you are retaining inline addition/subtraction feature. Yes, no change there. You can still type calculations directly in the amount text boxes, this just adds a secondary "visual" form...
> MacOS.... Interesting, the buttons aren't square on macOS... No idea why that is the case. Is functionality ok?
In the release notes we should mention the new icon for those running custom themes
> If there is not enough space to the right, should the calculator be shown to the left? Yes, we should always render it on screen. > Can a calculator...
> Change C to ⌫? > should ⌫ and a translatable `Undo` be incorporated instead of `C` and `Del`, respectively? I don't know what the function of this button is...
#6753 resolves the off-screen issue and relabels a few of the buttons.
I have no issues opening a v19 database on a freshly downloaded 1.8.0 portable version. There must be something else going on here. Can you post the details from the...