Mike Zuranski

Results 16 comments of Mike Zuranski

I would also find this useful. Hoping this can get added someday.

I would say your first bullet point would be ideal. Or if I knew how data I read in needs to look in order to pass to MetPy to plot,...

When it comes to parsing SLP out of remarks, would it be possible to have that populate the `air_pressure_at_sea_level` field? Please correct me if I'm wrong on any of this,...

Similarly to SLP, could values from the T group populate the `air_temperature` and `dew_point_temperature` fields if it is available in the remarks? Having a mix of sources for temp &...

Greetings! Just wanted to check in and see if there has been any movement on this.

This line has been added to the Unidata GEMPAK installations that generate the FNEXRAD composites with nex2gini, thus adding the station's data to those sets. Working well.