hard-source-webpack-plugin copied to clipboard
Run only on cold build
Using webpack-dev-server in development mode, it would be nice to only use hard-source for the cold build, and skip it when doing hot-reloads. Otherwise the extra amount of work done by hard-source makes the hot-reload much slower (and fast hot-reloading times are important in development).
yes! i wanted to suggest just the same. on my setup hard source shaves off 80% of initial wds build time but the incremental builds are 2-3 times slower (3 sec vs 1 sec) with hard source since it has to read in all the cache
i've made a workaround to make HSWP run only on initial WDS build
// in your webpack config
class HardSourceWDSPatchPlugin {
apply(compiler) {
compiler.hooks.invalid.tap('HardSourceWDSPatchPlugin', () => {
compiler.hooks.watchRun.taps = compiler.hooks.watchRun.taps
.filter((tap) => !tap.name.includes('HardSource'))
module.exports = {
plugins: [
new HardSourceWDSPatchPlugin()
this is a rather hacky monkeypatch but it works (only for Webpack 4 i suppose since I've used the new tap API directly)
@mzgoddard if you're interested I can try making a PR with a more robust solution
Hello @dreyks I'd be interested in that. Can you elaborate more on your solution? It did not work here for me, hard source is still being run on WDS
yeah... I've dropped this monkeypatch some time ago - the incremental builds were still slow with HSWP. I've stopped using HSWP for WDS altogether
So what did you ended up doing? I like HSWP because it makes the initial build way faster (around 80% if I don't use it), but the subsequent builds using hot reloader are significantly slower.
I'm using HSWP for non-WDS and production builds. It's sad to lose the initial build time (around 80% too) but I rarely restart wds