GLS copied to clipboard
Generalised Lomb-Scargle periodogram
Variables Abest, Bbest and Cbest. Uncaught ReferenceError: Abest is not defined at GLS (gls.js:104:34) at runGLS (gls.html?run:85:10) at loaddata (gls.html?run:78:4) at FileReader.loadHandler (read-csv.js:55:4)
As discussed in, it might be nice to a have options `skip_header` and `delimiter` to handle csv files. [np.genfromtxt](, called in uses these argument names (`skiprows` in [np.loadtxt](
Hi, I get a NaN response from prob here. Is the calculation in line 652/3 correct? Stefan import gls as ptpp N = 100 time = np.random.uniform(54000., 56000., N) flux...
A number of suggestions to enhance the matlab version. Most of them are inspired by the python version. - [ ] include an example (evt. with a plot) - [x]...