Mohamad Zamini
Mohamad Zamini
how can we visualize the clusters?
This implementation adds a new get_available_models() method to the DebugClient class, which retrieves the list of available model configurations from the API and returns a list of their names. The...
Use `discord.Client.fetch_channel` instead of discord.utils.get to get the lobby channel object. This is a more efficient way to get a channel object by ID or name. Use `discord.Role` objects instead...
This modified version of the function includes a check for whether the output of function has a learning rate scheduler that needs to be updated based on the current batch...
Move the code inside the main function to a new function, such as `run_qa_system()` to better separate concerns and makes the code easier to read and understand. Encapsulate the main...
You can remove the fit method from `MultiLabelZeroShotGPTClassifier` since it is already inherited from the base class. In the `_predict_single` method of `ZeroShotGPTClassifier`, you can directly return the random label...
some optimization on the code. set the formatter_class to argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter. This will include the default values of the command-line arguments in the help message, making it easier for users to...
# Thank you for contributing an eval! ♥️ 🚨 Please make sure your PR follows these guidelines, __failure to follow the guidelines below will result in the PR being closed...
Since the `DSVAE` class is already inheriting from `torch.nn.Module`, there is no need to inherit from `CUDAGraph` as well. You can remove the `CUDAGraph` inheritance. Instead of using `self.vae.requires_grad_(requires_grad=False)`, you...
from my understanding, the `check_repeated_memory_variable` validator will raise an error if any of the variables in the `memories` list are repeated. However, the `load_memory_variables` method does not check for repeated...