Results 90 comments of Maxim Zaks

See `nested_flatbuffer` Attribute

Hi Thomas, first of all thanks for opening up the issue. The matter of `capacity=0` is in fact a bug which is trivial, however I discovered that in Xcode 10.2.1...

Sorry for the very late response. Codable support can be introduced as a separate project based on the `FlatBuffersBuilder` and `FlatBuffersReader` class. However I don't see me doing it any...

Hi, the semantics of the include statements are a bit more complex, because they open up many edge cases. E.g. you have `A.fbs` and `B.fbs` which both include `C.fbs` as...

Did lot's of changes over the weekend. will migrate my production App to the newest version to see how the API feels. Will give some more insights afterwards. One thing...

Honest answer: I got this from StackOverflow ☺️. Now a more constructive answer. `public init(data : Data, cache : FBReaderCache? = FBReaderCache())` is a convenience initialiser for users, who have...

@anohren Will respond point by point 🙂 1. The `Data` API doesn't work this way, it expects a `BufferPointer` which is probably for the better. I guess/hope that when you...

Sadly Swift doesn't let me :) Declaration of protocols typealias and extension has to be on file level and can't be wrapped inside of an enum for example. This way...

It would be possible to do the same trick as FlatBuffers does. Annotate one field of the struct as `key` and if another struct has a field which is list...

One more consideration from my side. While FlatBuffers is marshalling, it sorts the array by key and it provides accessor by key methods which internally do binary search on the...