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Feature Request: Allow SSL through local CA's
Describe the problem:
At the moment there's no option to select when trying to request a SSL certificate from a local CA instead of LetsEncrypt
Steps to Reproduce:
- Add new domain
- Allow SSL, no option to select a local CA
See a checkbox that triggers a textbox that allows you to input your own Local CA address
See a textbox that allows to input the Local CA address and a button "Request" that will trigger the lego / acme call with output to a text field underneath
Debian version:
Debian 11
VestaCP Version:
myVesta 0.9.8-26-58 Build date: 26-Nov-2022
Installed Software (what you got with the installer):
Copy here first 22 lines of file /usr/local/vesta/conf/vesta.conf
WEB_SYSTEM='apache2' WEB_RGROUPS='www-data' WEB_PORT='8080' WEB_SSL_PORT='8443' WEB_SSL='mod_ssl' PROXY_SYSTEM='nginx' PROXY_PORT='80' PROXY_SSL_PORT='443' STATS_SYSTEM='webalizer,awstats' FTP_SYSTEM='proftpd' DNS_SYSTEM='bind9' MAIL_SYSTEM='exim4' ANTIVIRUS_SYSTEM='clamav-daemon' ANTISPAM_SYSTEM='spamassassin' IMAP_SYSTEM='dovecot' CRON_SYSTEM='cron' FIREWALL_SYSTEM='iptables' FIREWALL_EXTENSION='fail2ban' BACKUP_SYSTEM='local' LANGUAGE='en' VERSION='0.9.8' DB_SYSTEM='mysql'