Maxim Yurkin
Maxim Yurkin
This paper seems to be relevant for ADDA testing (in general): Ding J., Hu X.-H., and Gudivada V. A machine learning based framework for verification and validation of massive scale...
Two more ideas are described in Asenchik O.D. Using the method of discrete dipoles to approximate solutions of the problems of light scattering and absorption by particles, [_Opt. Spectrosc._ **122**,...
Konstantin Inzhevatrkin (@inzhevatkin) has implemented a solution to this issue on a development branch: It is based on the shifted conjugate gradient iterative method. Current capabilities and limitations are...
Many workarounds for simulating circular polarization (including computing circular dichroism) are discussed at
While a comprehensive solution of this issue is non-trivial some partly solutions (e.g., seq version for Unix) is much easier. This can be straightforwardly implemented (together with `git clone ...`)...
This seems to be related to the lattice sums in Rahmani A., Chaumet P.C., and Bryant G.W. Local-field correction for an interstitial impurity in a crystal, [_Opt. Lett._ **27**, 430–432]([10.1364/OL.27.000430](
Here are minimalistic examples of CMake files to compile ADDA (`seq` and `ocl` modes) with static linking of Fortran libraries, contributed by Michel Gross. While they are definitely simpler than...
Another possible way to describe non-locality is through the Feibelman parameters, see, e.g., the following: 1. Hohenester U. and Unger G. Nanoscale electromagnetism with the boundary element method, [_Phys. Rev....
Another case, where circulant preconditioners lead to significant improvement is for a particle _inside_ a multi-layered substrate, since then the FFT along the z-axis cannot be employed anyway. See: Chaumet...
Non-trivial application of Bessel beams for imitating circular polarization of a plane wave are discussed at . In particular, interesting combinations are used in [tests/equiv/](../blob/master/tests/equiv/ One of them highlights...