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Code Coverage Converter from Xcode 11 to SonarQube

⚠️ This repository is deprecated

Since we use a different approach this script/repo is deprecated and will no longer be maintained. I will outline our new approach here since it is probably useful to other people as well.

Instead of using SonarQube's generic code coverage format, we use the llvm-cov format which is directly supported. No conversion needed!

  • Merge all .profdata files into one
  • They are located here: <derived_data>/Build/ProfileData/*/*.profdata
  • Use: xcrun llvm-profdata merge <paths to profdata> -output <merged_profdata_file>
  • Collect all relevant binaries to extract code coverage data
    • They are located here: <derived_data>/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/
    • Include the *.app binary (includes statically-linked frameworks)
    • Collect remaining dynamic framework binaries (You probably want to exclude external depdencies like pods)
  • Iterate over relevant binaries and append code coverage data to a file
    • xcrun --run llvm-cov show <binary_path> --instr-profile <merged_profdata_file> >> <output_file>
  • The file can then be passed to sonar-scanner
    • sonar.cfamily.llvm-cov.reportPath (for Obj-C code coverage)
    • sonar.swift.coverage.reportPaths (for Swift code coverage)

cococo - code coverage converter from Xcode 11 to SonarQube

mysugr GitHub release (latest by date)

cococo is a command line tool to convert Xcode 11's code coverage data to SonarQube's generic code coverage format. It is written in Swift and makes use of multiple threads to speed up the computation.


USAGE: cococo <xcresult> [-e <excluded-file-extension1> ...]

  --excluded, -e   Multiple file extensions which are excluded from processing
  --help           Display available options


Run the tool for a given xcresult archive, exclude .h and .m files from processing and save the result to sonarqube-generic-coverage.xml.

cococo myproject.xcresult --excluded .h .m > sonarqube-generic-coverage.xml

The Xcode 11's xcresult archive can be found in the derived data folder:



You can download the latest release from here.