mysterium-vpn-mobile copied to clipboard
Mainnet mobile app doesn't tries/retries identity registration on mainnet
Mobile app (Android, 1.1.5 mainnet build) doesn't tries/retries identity registration on mainnet.
Steps to reproduce
- identity
was registered on mobile app version 1.1.3
[17:40:16] dt1:~> curl -s | jq .
"identity_id": "0xbC141d514D4520bA0dcf8A7956777B3f845d27a4",
"status": "succeed",
"tx_hash": "0xc76a95c6d2a2a7f83a83ddc52ecffa05b2c533ab2a890f3cf345899638482557",
"created_at": "2021-11-16T15:39:16.415Z",
"updated_at": "2021-11-16T15:39:16.415Z",
"bounty_amount": 1e+18,
"chain_id": 80001
- app was upgraded to 1.1.5 mainnet release
- account was topped up via ETH with real MYST on mainnet
- I tried to connect to nodes, but traffic was not coming after connection was established. Most likely because app wasn't able to sign first payment promise required right after connection start.
- I exported identity, imported it into node CLI and manually issued registration request. Registration result:
[17:40:19] dt1:~> curl -s | jq .
"identity_id": "0xbC141d514D4520bA0dcf8A7956777B3f845d27a4",
"status": "succeed",
"tx_hash": "0x774e0c4b58de9c62b8d8ac9f6dc0e4fde549b1be6107e0ff1ed86a7685061982",
"created_at": "2021-11-17T15:20:53.047Z",
"updated_at": "2021-11-17T15:20:53.047Z",
"bounty_amount": 998575652174050000,
"chain_id": 137
- After that app started working OK on mobile.
Output (5) indicates that registration attempt I made manually is the only attempt was taken in mainnet. So app didn't even tried.
Proposed solution
It seems proper migration of registration status is required on update to mainnet app version. Registration in testnet3 doesn't mean registration in mainnet. Another way is to handle errors from API which indicate identity is not registered or check registration each time at startup.
Is this still an ongoing issue? @ArtemHryhorovGeniusee
Is this still an ongoing issue? @ArtemHryhorovGeniusee
Pull request merged, so I think this issue is resolved