cloudcustodian-rules copied to clipboard
Some of my personal rules for CapitalOne's Cloud Custodian project
CloudCustodian Examples
- Cloud Custodian Examples
- Account
- EC2
- S3
- Redshift
- Actions
- Cleanup
- Docker
- Lambda As Cron
Alarm on root user account usage
- name: root-user-login-detected resource: account description: A root account login has occurred mode: type: cloudtrail events: - ConsoleLogin role: arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/cloud_custodian_lambda_role filters: - type: event key: "detail.userIdentity.type" value_type: swap op: in value: Root
PHD (Personal Health Dashboard)
- name: phd-alerts
resource: account
comment: Olay PHD alerts
type: phd
role: arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/cloud_custodian_lambda_role
description: Any PHD alert
Find instances whose name start with
running for more than 3 hours:- name: ec2-packer resource: ec2 comment: Report to find long running packer instances filters: - type: value key: "tag:Name" op: regex value: "^packer*" - type: instance-age hours: 3
React via CloudTrail to EIP creation:
- name: ec2-elastic-ip-notify resource: comment: Notify on elastic IP creation mode: type: cloudtrail role: arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/cloud_custodian_lambda_role events: - source: event: AllocateAddress ids: responseElements.publicIp
Ensure staging was torn down. Find instances whose name contain
running for more than 14 hours:- name: ec2-staging resource: ec2 comment: Report to find staging instances not terminated filters: - type: value key: "tag:Name" op: glob value: "*staging*" - type: instance-age hours: 14
Ensure tag compliance. Look for non-terminated (tags lost on terminate) instances missing any tags:
, orEnvironment
- name: ec2-tag-compliance resource: ec2 comment: Report on total count of non compliant instances filters: - or: - "tag:Name": absent - "tag:Managed_by": absent - "tag:Environment": absent - not: - "State.Name": terminated
Enable onPush vulnerability scanning
- name: ecr-set-scanning resource: aws.ecr filters: - type: value key: imageScanningConfiguration.scanOnPush value: false actions: - set-scanning
Enable lifecycles
- name: ecr-add-lifecycle resource: aws.ecr filters: - type: lifecycle-rule state: false actions: - type: set-lifecycle rules: - rulePriority: 1 description: "remove untagged > 1 days" selection: countNumber: 1 countType: sinceImagePushed countUnit: days tagStatus: untagged action: type: expire - rulePriority: 2 description: "remove any images after we reach 4000 in repo" selection: countNumber: 4000 countType: imageCountMoreThan tagStatus: any action: type: expire
Look for any auto scaling groups using AMIs older than 120 days
- name: asg-older-image resource: asg comment: Find all LCs using AMI older than 120d in use. filters: - type: image-age days: 120
Look for any running ec2 instances with unencrypted EBS volumes
- name: instance-without-encrypted-ebs description: Instances without encrypted EBS volumes resource: ebs filters: - Encrypted: false - "State.Name": running
React (CloudTrail subscription) to a public ELB creation
- name: elb-notify-new-internet-facing resource: elb comment: Detect and alarm on internet facing ELBs mode: type: cloudtrail role: arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/cloud_custodian_lambda_role events: - CreateLoadBalancer description: | Any newly created Classic Load Balancers launched with an internet-facing schema. filters: - Scheme: internet-facing
ALB (elbv2)
React (CloudTrail subscription) to a public ELB creation
- name: app-elb-notify-new-internet-facing resource: app-elb comment: Detect and alarm on internet facing ELBs mode: type: cloudtrail role: arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/cloud_custodian_lambda_role events: - source: event: CreateLoadBalancer ids: responseElements.loadBalancers[].loadBalancerName description: | Any newly created App Load Balancers launched with an internet-facing schema. filters: - Scheme: internet-facing
React (CloudTrail subscription) to a user creation
- name: iam-user-creation resource: iam-user comment: detect and alarm on IAM user creation mode: type: cloudtrail role: arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/cloud_custodian_lambda_role events: - source: event: CreateUser ids: requestParameters.userName description: | Any newly created user.
React (CloudTrail subscription) to a user deletion
- name: iam-user-deletion resource: iam-user comment: Detect and alarm on IAM user deletion mode: type: cloudtrail role: arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/cloud_custodian_role events: - source: event: DeleteUser ids: userIdentity.userName description: | Any deleted user.
React (CloudTrail subscription) to a failed login attempt from any user
- name: iam-failed-login resource: iam-user comment: detect and alarm on IAM failed login mode: type: cloudtrail role: arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/cloud_custodian_role events: - source: event: ConsoleLogin ids: userIdentity.userName description: | Any console login failure for an IAM user filters: - type: event key: "detail.responseElements.ConsoleLogin" value: Failure
React (CloudTrail subscription) to a DB Instance being deleted while skipping the final snapshot
- name: rds-instance-notify-delete-skip-final-snapshot resource: rds comment: Detect and alarm on RDS DB instances deleted while skipping final snapshot mode: type: cloudtrail role: arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/cloud_custodian_role events: - source: event: DeleteDBInstance ids: requestParameters.dBInstanceIdentifier description: Detect and alarm on RDS instances deleted while skipping final snapshot filters: - type: event key: "detail.requestParameters.skipFinalSnapshot" value: true
React (CloudTrail subscription) to a DB Cluster being deleted while skipping the final snapshot
- name: rds-cluster-notify-delete-skip-final-snapshot resource: rds comment: Detect and alarm on RDS clusters deleted while skipping final snapshot mode: type: cloudtrail role: arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/cloud_custodian_role events: - source: event: DeleteDBCluster ids: requestParameters.dBClusterIdentifier description: Detect and alarm on RDS clusters deleted while skipping final snapshot filters: - type: event key: "detail.requestParameters.skipFinalSnapshot" value: true
React (CloudTrail subscription) to an s3 bucket being created and check it for encryption
- name: s3-bucket-create-without-encryption resource: s3 comment: s3 bucket created without default encryption mode: type: cloudtrail role: arn:aws:iam::1234567890:role/cloud_custodian_role events: - event: CreateBucket source: ids: requestParameters.bucketName description: s3 bucket created without default encryption filters: - type: bucket-encryption state: False
React (CloudTrail subscription) to a Redshift cluster being deleted while skipping the final snapshot
- name: redshift-notify-delete-skip-final-snapshot resource: redshift comment: Detect and alarm on Redshift clusters deleted while skipping final snapshot mode: type: cloudtrail role: arn:aws:iam::123456789:role/cloud_custodian_role events: - source: event: DeleteCluster ids: requestParameters.clusterIdentifier description: Detect and alarm on Redshift clusters deleted while skipping final snapshot filters: - type: event key: "detail.requestParameters.skipFinalClusterSnapshot" value: true
Send to SNS (helpful for SNS to slack)
actions: - type: notify to: - [email protected] #required even though not needed in SNS message: "Some sort of message" transport: type: sns topic: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:111111111:topic-ops
Cleanup everything
policies: - name: lambda-delete-cc-functions resource: lambda filters: - "tag:custodian-info": present actions: - delete - name: cloudwatch-delete-cc-log-group resource: log-group filters: - type: value key: logGroupName value: '/aws/lambda/custodian-*' op: glob actions: - delete - name: cloudwatch-delete-cc-cw-rules resource: aws.event-rule filters: - type: value key: Name value: 'custodian-*' op: glob actions: - type: delete force: true - name: cloudwatch-delete-cc-rule-targets resource: aws.event-rule-target filters: - type: value key: Id value: 'custodian-*' op: glob actions: - type: delete force: true
This is what my dockerfile looks like. Rules are in cwd/rules
as individual .yml
FROM capitalone/c7n
RUN apk add -U ca-certificates curl
RUN curl -L >/usr/local/bin/dumb-init
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dumb-init
RUN mkdir /opt
COPY /opt
RUN chmod +x /opt/
COPY rules /tmp
RUN echo 'policies:' >/tmp/custodian.yml
RUN for yml in $(find /tmp -name '*.yml'); do cat $yml; done | grep -v policies: >>/tmp/custodian.yml
CMD ["/usr/local/bin/custodian", "run", "--output-dir=/tmp/output", "/tmp/custodian.yml"
I run cloud-custodian as a timer. I use lambda with a cloudwatch event trigger (2 hours) to run the ECS task definition tied to my Docker image of cloud-custodian
I kick off lambda with env vars pointing to the latest task definition ARN dn the CLUSTER name. The lambda looks like:
#!/bin/env python
import boto3
import os
client = boto3.client('ecs')
CLUSTER = os.environ.get('CLUSTER')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
print('Debug: Cluster=\'{}\''.format(CLUSTER))
print('Debug: Task def arn=\'{}\''.format(TASK_DEFINITION_ARN))
My terraform for the lambda provides those env vars via remote state value and a variable:
resource "aws_lambda_function" "cloud-custodian" {
filename = ""
function_name = "cloud_custodian"
role = "${data.terraform_remote_state.cloud_custodian_lambda_iam_role.role_arn}"
handler = "lambda_function.lambda_handler"
source_code_hash = "${base64sha256(file(""))}"
runtime = "python3.6"
timeout = "30"
environment {
variables = {
CLUSTER = "${var.cluster}"
TASK_DEFINITION_ARN = "${aws_ecs_task_definition.cloud_custodian.arn}"
resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_rule" "cloud_custodian_schedule" {
name = "cloud_custodian_schedule"
description = "Run every two hours"
schedule_expression = "rate(2 hours)"
resource "aws_cloudwatch_event_target" "cloud_custodian_lambda" {
rule = "${}"
arn = "${}"
resource "aws_lambda_permission" "allow_cloudwatch_to_call_cloud_custodian" {
statement_id = "AllowExecutionFromCloudWatchToCloudCustodianLambda"
action = "lambda:InvokeFunction"
function_name = "${}"
principal = ""
source_arn = "${aws_cloudwatch_event_rule.cloud_custodian_schedule.arn}"
To streamline this, my Makefile looks like below. Note: my terraform for this has an output for the ECR URL
terraform init
aws ecr get-login --region us-east-1 --no-include-email | sh -
zip -r
build: setup
terraform apply -target=aws_ecr_repository.cloud_custodian
docker build -t local/cloud-custodian:latest .
deploy: build zip
$(eval REPO_URL := $(shell terraform output cloud_custodian_repository_url | tr -d '\n'))
docker tag local/cloud-custodian:latest $(REPO_URL):latest
docker push $(REPO_URL):latest
terraform apply