kotlin-oauth2-server copied to clipboard
Flexible OAuth2 server library. Support for multiple frameworks
Kotlin OAuth2 server
The goal of this project is to provide a simple OAuth2 library which can be implemented in any framework
Configuring the oauth2 server for any framework should be simple and understandable. It encourages to adapt to existing implementations instead the other way around.
<!-- In memory dependencies -->
dependencies {
implementation "nl.myndocs:oauth2-server-core:$myndocs_oauth_version"
// In memory dependencies
implementation "nl.myndocs:oauth2-server-client-inmemory:$myndocs_oauth_version"
implementation "nl.myndocs:oauth2-server-identity-inmemory:$myndocs_oauth_version"
implementation "nl.myndocs:oauth2-server-token-store-inmemory:$myndocs_oauth_version"
Framework implementation
The following frameworks are supported:
- Ktor
- Javalin
- http4k
- Sparkjava
Default endpoints are configured:
Type | Relative url |
token | /oauth/token |
authorize | /oauth/authorize |
token info | /oauth/tokeninfo |
These values can be overridden:
tokenEndpoint = "/custom/token"
authorizationEndpoint = "/custom/authorize"
tokenInfoEndpoint = "/custom/tokeninfo"
In memory
In memory implementations are provided to easily setup the project.
On the InMemoryIdentity
identities can be registered. These are normally your users:
identityService = InMemoryIdentity()
.identity {
username = "foo-1"
password = "bar"
.identity {
username = "foo-2"
password = "bar"
On the InMemoryClient
clients can be registered:
clientService = InMemoryClient()
.client {
clientId = "app1-client"
clientSecret = "testpass"
scopes = setOf("admin")
redirectUris = setOf("https://localhost:8080/callback")
authorizedGrantTypes = setOf(
.client {
clientId = "app2-client"
clientSecret = "testpass"
scopes = setOf("user")
redirectUris = setOf("https://localhost:8080/callback")
authorizedGrantTypes = setOf(
Token store
The InMemoryTokenStore
stores all kinds of tokens.
tokenStore = InMemoryTokenStore()
Access token converter
By default UUIDAccessTokenConverter
is used. With a default time-out of 1 hour. To override the time-out for example to half an hour:
accessTokenConverter = UUIDAccessTokenConverter(1800)
To use JWT include the following dependency:
This uses auth0 jwt. To configure:
accessTokenConverter = JwtAccessTokenConverter(
algorithm = Algorithm.HMAC256("test123"), // mandatory
accessTokenExpireInSeconds = 1800, // optional default 3600
jwtBuilder = DefaultJwtBuilder // optional uses DefaultJwtBuilder by default
Refresh token converter
By default UUIDRefreshTokenConverter
is used. With a default time-out of 1 hour. To override the time-out for example to half an hour:
refreshTokenConverter = UUIDRefreshTokenConverter(1800)
To use JWT include the following dependency:
This uses auth0 jwt. To configure:
refreshTokenConverter = JwtRefreshTokenConverter(
algorithm = Algorithm.HMAC256("test123"), // mandatory
refreshTokenExpireInSeconds = 1800, // optional default 86400
jwtBuilder = DefaultJwtBuilder // optional uses DefaultJwtBuilder by default
Code token converter
By default UUIDCodeTokenConverter
is used. With a default time-out of 5 minutes. To override the time-out for example 2 minutes:
codeTokenConverter = UUIDCodeTokenConverter(120)