aria-autocomplete copied to clipboard
Enhancement: Allow empty Option
Hello there,
I'm currently trying to implement your autocomplete as a replacement for "select2" in my project. While the main focus of your library obviously lies on the "autocompletes", I figured using the "showAllControl" option, the usage as a "select-box" with build-in search would work as well. And generally speaking it does.
One Problem I have noticed is however, that there is an issue when you hydrate a select element which contains an "empty" option, like this:
<label for="select-cf222fe5b2">
Filter by degree
<select id="select-cf222fe5b2" data-ref="select">
<option value="">All degrees</option>
<option value="16_30">Bachelor</option>
<option value="17_31">Master</option>
With a js like this:
AriaAutoComplete(select, {
noResultsText: this.noResultsText,
multiple: this.multiple,
showAllControl: true,
srDeleteText: this.$t(''),
srShowAllText: this.$t(''),
srSelectedText: this.$t(''),
srListLabelText: this.$t(''),
srAssistiveText: this.$t(''),
srResultsText: length => this.$t('', {count: length}),
onFocus: () => {
this.$proxy.setTimeout(() => {
if (this.instance) {
}, 100);
Only shows "Bachelor" and "Master" in the Dropdown. I had a brief look at the code and I see, that you deliberately remove the empty option here.
For now, I resolved the issue by setting the value of the empty option to NULL, because I only use the result in JS. For the usage in a PHP form I think it would make sense to allow option
elements with an empty value via the options.
Have a great day and stay safe.
Hi @Neunerlei. Sorry for my delayed reply. I've been busy with other work and haven't been checking my personal GitHub as frequently as I should.
Yes, the empty option is deliberately ignored, because the convention would generally be that empty is an invalid selection, such as with a normal input. And in <select>
options, it would usually be used for something like a "please select" option. E.g.
<option value="">Please select</option>
<option value="all">All degrees</option>
<option value="16_30">Bachelor</option>
<option value="17_31">Master</option>
Therefore, to return to the empty state, the user would simply clear the selected value(s), just like with a normal input field.
I worry that such an option, if used, could create a misleading user experience - the whole purpose of this library is UX and accessibility after all. I agree though. It could be useful to add an option to indicate what should be treated as an empty value, in case people use an empty string value in a non-standard way.