chartjs-plugin-piechart-outlabels copied to clipboard
This is plugin is not compatible with 3.x chart js verstion
This plugin is really awesome but looks like it is working with only 2.x chart js version. Can someone please share how I can make this plugin compatible with chartjs latest version.
Any update when this plugin updated to compatible with latest ChartJs version
Same problem here. Definitely not compatible with the latest chartjs version.
I have the same problem ([email protected])
I have tried to update this plugin so that we can use with latest chartjs version 3 and above. I am not sure whether it is fully updated but with my change atleast I can use with latest chartjs version. @jghelen @ChrisRoss5 , hope this will help .
var params = { display: true, //text: [ // '%l (%p.3) \n VALUE: (%v.3)', // '%l (%p) \n VALUE: (%v)', // 'SIMPLE VALUE \n => %v', // 'VALUE WITH PRECISION 4 \n => %v.4', // 'SIMPLE PERCENT \n => %p', // 'PERCENT WITH PRECISION 3 \n => %p.3', // 'JUST LABEL \n => %l', // 'JUST TEXT' //], borderWidth: 2, lineWidth: 2, padding: 3, textAlign: 'center', stretch: 45, font: { resizable: true, minSize: 12, maxSize: 25, family:, size: Chart.defaults.font.size, style:, lineHeight: Chart.defaults.font.lineHeight, }, color: "black", valuePrecision: 1, percentPrecision: 2 }; var chartOption = { maintainAspectRatio: false, zoomOutPercentage: 20, animation: false, layout: { padding: 50 }, plugins: { outlabels: params, } };
new Chart(ctx, { type: 'doughnut', plugins: [ChartOutLabels], data: { datasets: dataSets, labels: labels }, options: chartOption });
@jagdaleganesh how do I use this in a project?
@TijlDeclerckWd , you can just include js from attached zip and for uses I have already given code snippet.
Hey, Guys alternatively you can try this. JSFIDDLE
And for those looking for a working version, check this repo out: