chartjs-plugin-piechart-outlabels copied to clipboard
Outlabels rendered outside of canvas
i'd set options to:
responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false
a target rendered like this
but its rendered like this
I'm having this exact issue.
Has anyone got a fix for this yet? Personally, I'm using "zoomOutPercentage" to get by at the moment, but this falls apart very quickly when I dynamically generate charts with lots of sections, which cause the labels to be pushed out very far.
Is there any way at all to make this dynamic?
I am having exact this problem. What i did is used custom scrollbar option and keep changing padding value based on this of chart therefore keep reducing the size of chart in canvas till all the outlabels get inside the box.
layout: {
padding: 20
But there is still need some update such that it can dynamic reduce the size of chart in canvas till all outlabels get inside canvas.
So sad no one's maintaining this anymore! :(