Mykel Kochenderfer
Mykel Kochenderfer
I think some online algorithms do not do not support `value`.
I'm okay with either.
Yeah, I think we could specialize for uniform bins. I like O(1) lookups.
It looks like you have several variables with many parents. I think the way it is set up now is that it loops over all possible parental instantiations, which is...
I think the issue is with this definition: ```julia struct CategoricalCPD{D}
@zsunberg It might be a memory issue. Unless we switch to a sparse representation, it will allocate memory enough to hold all the parental instantiations: ```julia distributions = Array{Categorical{Float64,Vector{Float64}}}(undef, prod(parental_ncategories))...
Ah, clever!
That would be awesome! We certainly would welcome a PR!
Please also add some tests to the test script as well. Thanks!
@dwijenchawra is this issue of interest to you?