Mykel Kochenderfer
Mykel Kochenderfer
This is beautiful!
This is very nice!
Oh, this is very nice. Is the idea to keep the colormap stuff in PGFPlots.jl or to have it in PGFPlotsX.jl (or whatever it is called)? I think PGFPlots.jl building...
Cool! Should it eventually be brought into the organization?
Oh, good point!
Looks good to merge
Kind of like the `Product` distribution in Distributions.jl?
Yep, we can make our own. Or, it seems like we could provide a wrapper around general distributions from Distributions.jl?
Shall we go ahead and move to this to JuliaPOMDP @ancorso and @mossr ?
I think this is because you can't observe 2 when you are in state 1. Since b0 assigns probability 1 to being in state 1, then this will fail as...