Paul Jolly

Results 610 comments of Paul Jolly

@splinterofchaos - great! I had a proof of concept working a couple of months ago in Go (!). Very basic, but it worked. I need to resurrect the Go package...

@zchee I'm seeing what [`vgo` can do](!

Thanks for the feedback @ncw As I mentioned my current scenario is where there are multiple input files but only one which forms the basis of the template (the others...

@ncw apologies - it's still on my TODO list. Getting bogged down with other things at the moment...

> YMMV, but I think it is much more likely, and far more common, that users add dependencies deliberately, and do pay attention to the results of the fetch. I...

Picking up this old issue 👍 Could we perhaps combine this with support for multiple templates per package? Let's assume in a package we want to declare two templates: ```...

Sorry for the slow reply, I've been off-radar for the last ~week. This issue will be fixed by Having cyclic module dependencies _should_ not be an issue, and

I think I'll just replace `_scripts/*.sh` with plain `.go` files; because I have a load of helpers I'll then use via ``. But thanks for raising the issue; it's on...

Inspired by "A little copying is better than a little dependency." - It allows me to "template" programs without creating dependencies. And in some cases it is more natural...

Belongs as a plugin idea