Michal Fudala
Michal Fudala
Apache Commons IO 2.4 contains a vulnerability https://foxglovesecurity.com/2015/11/06/what-do-weblogic-websphere-jboss-jenkins-opennms-and-your-application-have-in-common-this-vulnerability/ https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IO-487 Aha! Link: https://mulesoft-roadmap.aha.io/features/APIRAML-72
Example (ignore nonsense where clauses): ```java String query = "SELECT * FROM table" + "WHERE some_id > 1" + "AND some_id > 2" + "AND some_id > 3" + "AND...
# Description Order of lines of code in the generated `equals` and `hashCode` methods was non-deterministic. This means that the generated files with code have changed between generations (even if...
Could you add support for [transducers](https://github.com/cognitect-labs/transducers-js) ?
Change api so that one can use: - extensions (example file.xls) - use globs from shared-mime-info - mime types (example text/mathml) - it already works
## Problem Crypt does not support encrypting long secrets (more than ~500 bytes) with Azure KeyVault ## Details We tried to encrypt whole directory with one file that contains a...
## Current state Currently, it is not possible to generate a single certificate for two domains (from two different Azure DNS zones) in two different resource groups, because of how...
Ideas: - laziness (like in Besom) - default values (e.g. for `String` map it to `""`) - print error message with issue description and repository to raise it in
## Task Resolves: #350 ## Description ### Example usage Now: `pulumi new https://github.com/VirtuslabRnD/pulumi-kotlin/tree/350-add-templates/templates/google-native` Once it's merged: `pulumi new https://github.com/VirtuslabRnD/pulumi-kotlin/tree/main/templates/google-native` Potentially, after moving to `VirtusLab` GH org: `pulumi new https://github.com/VirtusLab/pulumi-kotlin/tree/main/templates/google-native` With...