GoogleVR-ANE copied to clipboard
Google Virtual Reality SDK available to Adobe Air developers
Google VR ANE for Android+iOS
Google Virtual Reality SDK works on Android and iOS so why shouldn't it work on Air? This cool ANE will let you use 360 images and videos in your own AIR application.
Notice: Supporting Virtual 3D world is not in our to-do list. At least not for the moment, because rendering the 3D world in Virtual Reality is happening in OpenGL inside the native environment and ANEs cannot provide this feature to AS3
Main Features:
- 360 image preview based on device orientation
- 360 video preview based on device orientation
- supporting Google VR Mode for cardboard
- 100% identical AS3 API for Android and iOS
find the latest asdoc for this ANE here.
NOTICE 2: On older Android devices you may see your AIR content all black when you return from the 360 video view. This is an old bug in AIR and we hope Adobe would find the reason and hopefully fix it someday. In the meanwhile, read this to fix the problem
AIR Usage General listeners
For the complete AS3 code usage, see the demo project here.
import com.myflashlab.air.extensions.googleVR.*;
// add general VR listeners
VR.api.addEventListener(VREvents.VR_CLOSED, onVRClosed);
VR.api.addEventListener(VREvents.DID_TAP, onVRTapped);
VR.api.addEventListener(VREvents.DISPLAY_MODE_CHANGED, onVRModeChanged);
function onVRClosed(e:VREvents):void
trace("vr window closed!");
function onVRTapped(e:VREvents):void
trace("vr window tapped!");
// get the current head position of the VR view
// you can change display mode from AS3 also.
//VR.api.displayMode = DisplayMode.FULLSCREEN_STEREO;
// when playing 360 videos, you may toggle pause/resume when the VR screen is tapped
if (VR.api.videoView.isPaused)
function onVRModeChanged(e:VREvents):void
switch (e.displaymode)
case DisplayMode.EMBEDDED:
trace("vr mode changed: EMBEDDED");
case DisplayMode.FULLSCREEN_MONO:
trace("vr mode changed: FULLSCREEN_MONO");
trace("vr mode changed: FULLSCREEN_STEREO");
AIR Usage 360 Image
For the complete AS3 code usage, see the demo project here.
// configure the 360 image object you want to launch
var vrSetting:VRConfigImg = new VRConfigImg();
vrSetting.btnExit = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("exit.png");
vrSetting.image360 = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("360Img.jpg");
vrSetting.imageType = VRConfig.TYPE_STEREO_OVER_UNDER;
vrSetting.stereoModeButtonEnabled = true;
vrSetting.infoButtonEnabled = false;
vrSetting.touchTrackingEnabled = true;
// and finally attach the Image Config instance to the VR ANE
VR.api.imageView.addEventListener(VREvents.LOAD_FAILED, onLoadFailed);
VR.api.imageView.addEventListener(VREvents.LOAD_SUCCESS, onLoadSuccess);
function onLoadFailed(e:VREvents):void
VR.api.imageView.removeEventListener(VREvents.LOAD_FAILED, onLoadFailed);
VR.api.imageView.removeEventListener(VREvents.LOAD_SUCCESS, onLoadSuccess);
trace("onLoadFailed: " + e.msg);
function onLoadSuccess(e:VREvents):void
VR.api.imageView.removeEventListener(VREvents.LOAD_FAILED, onLoadFailed);
VR.api.imageView.removeEventListener(VREvents.LOAD_SUCCESS, onLoadSuccess);
AIR Usage 360 Video
For the complete AS3 code usage, see the demo project here.
// configure the 360 video object you want to launch
var vrSetting:VRConfigVid = new VRConfigVid();
vrSetting.btnExit = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("exit.png");
vrSetting.video360 = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("360Vid.mp4");
//vrSetting.video360URL = "";
vrSetting.videoType = VRConfig.TYPE_STEREO_OVER_UNDER;
vrSetting.stereoModeButtonEnabled = true;
vrSetting.infoButtonEnabled = false;
vrSetting.touchTrackingEnabled = true;
vrSetting.fullscreenButtonEnabled = true;
VR.api.videoView.addEventListener(VREvents.LOAD_FAILED, onVideoLoadFailed);
VR.api.videoView.addEventListener(VREvents.LOAD_SUCCESS, onVideoLoadSuccess);
VR.api.videoView.addEventListener(VREvents.PAUSED, onVideoPaused);
VR.api.videoView.addEventListener(VREvents.REACHED_END, onVideoReachedEnd);
VR.api.videoView.addEventListener(VREvents.RESUMED, onVideoResumed);
VR.api.videoView.addEventListener(VREvents.STOPPED, onVideoStopped);
VR.api.videoView.addEventListener(VREvents.POS_UPDATED, onVideoPositionUpdated);
function onVideoLoadFailed(e:VREvents):void
VR.api.videoView.removeEventListener(VREvents.LOAD_FAILED, onVideoLoadFailed);
VR.api.videoView.removeEventListener(VREvents.LOAD_SUCCESS, onVideoLoadSuccess);
trace("onVideoLoadFailed: " + e.msg);
function onVideoLoadSuccess(e:VREvents):void
VR.api.videoView.removeEventListener(VREvents.LOAD_FAILED, onVideoLoadFailed);
VR.api.videoView.removeEventListener(VREvents.LOAD_SUCCESS, onVideoLoadSuccess);
trace("onVideoLoadSuccess, video duration = " + e.duration);
function onVideoPaused(e:VREvents):void
function onVideoResumed(e:VREvents):void
function onVideoStopped(e:VREvents):void
function onVideoReachedEnd(e:VREvents):void
function onVideoPositionUpdated(e:VREvents):void
trace("position updated... " + e.position + " / " + e.duration);
AIR .xml manifest
<manifest android:installLocation="auto">
<!--Android SDK 19 or higher can run Google VR only-->
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="19" />
<uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="28"/>
For Google VR to work properly, it is adviced to set largeHeap to true. learn
about this attribute here:
<application android:largeHeap="true">
<!-- This activity is your main AIR application If you don't add it, AIR SDK will do that for you! -->
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<!-- Required for the Google VR -->
<activity android:name="com.myflashlab.gvr.MyVrImageView" android:launchMode="singleTask" android:theme="@style/Theme.FullScreen" />
<activity android:name="com.myflashlab.gvr.MyVrVideoView" android:launchMode="singleTask" android:theme="@style/Theme.FullScreen" />
<!--iOS 10.0 or higher can support this ANE-->
<!-- Bypass iOS security when debugging your app and you need to load resources from a local server like http://192.168.x.x -->
<!-- Required when user wants to scan barcodes while using the card -->
<string>Camera usage description</string>
Embedding the ANE:
below are the common dependencies that Google VR relies on:
download them from
<!-- And finally embed the main GVR ANE -->
- Android API 19+
- iOS SDK 10.0+
- AIR SDK 30+
- On the iOS side, you need to make sure you have included the resources at the root of you package.
- CardboardSDK.bundle
- GoogleKitCore.bundle
- GoogleKitDialogs.bundle
- GoogleKitHUD.bundle
- MaterialRobotoFontLoader.bundle
- Moreover, on the iOS side, you will need GoogleToolboxForMac.framework and GTMSessionFetcher.framework available in your AIR_SDK/lib/aot/stub folder. Download them from this package - Firebase SDK V5.20.2.
Below are the list of Permissions this ANE might require. Check out the demo project available at this repository to see how we have used the PermissionCheck ANE to ask for the permissions.
Necessary | Optional |
Commercial Version
How to embed ANEs into FlashBuilder, FlashCC and FlashDevelop
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