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Update spring boot to v3 (major)

Open renovate[bot] opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin (source) 2.7.18 -> 3.2.5 age adoption passing confidence
org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-parent (source) 2.7.18 -> 3.2.5 age adoption passing confidence

[!WARNING] Some dependencies could not be looked up. Check the Dependency Dashboard for more information.

Release Notes

spring-projects/spring-boot (org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin)


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:warning: Noteworthy
  • This release upgrades to Hibernate 6.4.4.Final. While it contains a number of valuable bug fixes, it does not work correctly in a native image. If you are using GraalVM, Hibernate should be temporarily downgraded to 6.4.2.Final using the hibernate.version property.
:lady_beetle: Bug Fixes
  • Nested jar URLs can not be resolved if the path contains spaces #​39675
  • Image building runs for a long time when a long image name is used and the tag contains an illegal character #​39638
  • Banner printing doesn't respect set charset #​39621
  • "micrometer.observations.*" configuration properties should be "management.observations.*" #​39600
  • Metadata reading during configuration class parsing uses the default resource loader rather than the application's resource loader #​39598
  • Several gson properties, including spring.gson.disable-html-escaping, do not behave correctly when set to false #​39524
  • Property placeholders aren't resolved when configuration property binding creates a Map from a property value using a converter #​39515
  • Gradle plugin allows the use of Gradle 7.4 but the documented and tested minimum is 7.5 #​39513
  • WebFlux auto-configuration should only configure the blocking executor when virtual threads are enabled #​39469
  • TestcontainersPropertySource assertion has typo #​39449
  • Webflux actuator endpoints respond with 500 when a parameter is missing #​39444
  • NoSuchMethod error when using the non-shaded Pulsar client and configuring authentications parameters #​39389
  • Jetty GracefulShutdown writes to System.out #​39360
  • Building images fails with Docker 25.0 when custom buildpacks are configured #​39347
  • Creating a RestClient from a RestTemplateBuilder-created RestTemplate requires double configuration of the baseUrl/rootUri #​39317
  • Auto-configured ConcurrentPulsarListenerContainerFactory and PulsarConsumerFactory cannot be injected into injection points with specific generic type information #​39308
  • Startup failure when you have multiple @DynamicPropertySources in Spring Boot 3.2.2 #​39297
  • Mockito's MockedStatic isn't closed in all cases #​39272
  • TracingProperties exposes package-private PropagationType from public methods #​39268
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
  • Add note regarding mixing of bundle-based and direct SSL configuration #​39641
  • Add link to Pulsar workaround when using environment variables for authentication #​39630
  • Document that task executor pool size properties are ignored when using virtual threads #​39629
  • Document default value for show-value configuration properties #​39596
  • Clarify that configuration properties only apply to the auto-configured OpenTelemetry Resource bean #​39509
  • Update the Debugging Documentation of the Spring Boot Maven Plugin #​39422
  • Awaitility link in Test Scoped Dependencies is incorrect #​39415
  • Fixed NestedJarFile constructor javadoc #​39285
  • Endpoint documentation contains the typo 'Unuthorized' #​39280
  • Update Revved up by Develocity badge #​39263
:hammer: Dependency Upgrades
:heart: Contributors

Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:

@​PiyalAhmed, @​Tish17, @​amritagg, @​dependabot[bot], @​eddumelendez, @​erichaagdev, @​gdmrw, @​jonas-grgt, @​kilink, @​lukasdo, @​okohub, @​onobc, @​ramilS, @​slovi, @​smurf667, @​snicoll, @​totti-dev, @​vj-atlassian, @​vjh0107, @​wanger26, and @​xpmxf4


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⚠️ Noteworthy Changes

  • Automatically enabling support for Micrometer's observation annotations when AspectJ is on the classpath has proven to be too much. A new property, micrometer.observations.annotations.enabled, has been introduced. It defaults to false. Set it to true to restore the previous behavior #​39128

:lady_beetle: Bug Fixes

  • SslBundle implementations do not provide useful toString() results #​39167
  • JarEntry.getComment() returns incorrect result from NestedJarFile instances #​39166
  • Mixing PEM and JKS certificate material in server.ssl properties does not work #​39158
  • Having AspectJ and Micrometer on the classpath is not a strong enough signal to enable support for Micrometer observation annotations #​39128
  • Actuator endpoints with no operations that use selectors are not accessible when mapped to / #​39122
  • Spring Boot 3.2 app that uses WebFlux, Security, and Actuator may fail to start due to a missing authentication manager #​39096
  • management.observations.http.server.requests.name no longer has any effect #​39083
  • spring.rabbitmq.listener.stream.auto-startup property has no effect #​39078
  • Error mark in the log message for PatternParseException is in the wrong place #​39075
  • Configuring server.jetty.max-connections has no effect #​39052
  • @ConfigurationPropertiesBinding converters that rely on initial CharSequence to String conversion no longer work #​39051
  • Manifest attributes cannot be resolved with the new loader implementation #​38996
  • Throwable from logging system initialization may result in the application silently failing to start #​38963
  • When using Jetty, idle timeout for IO operations and delayed dispatch cannot be set to less than 30000ms #​38960
  • spring-boot-maven-plugin repackage uber jar execution fails when jar is put on WSL network drive #​38956
  • Oracle OJDBC BOM version is flagged not for production use #​38943
  • Connection leak when using jOOQ and spring.jooq.sql-dialect has not been set #​38924
  • AutoConfigurationSorter does not always respect @AutoConfigureOrder(Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE) #​38916
  • Containers are not started when using @ImportTestcontainers #​38913
  • Even when spring.security.user.name or spring.security.user.password has been configured, user details auto-configuration still backs off when resource server is on the classpath #​38864
  • MockRestServiceServerAutoConfiguration with RestTemplate and RestClient together throws incorrect exception #​38820

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation

  • Improve "Sanitize Sensitive Values" section in reference documentation #​39199
  • Fix link to Log4j2's JDK logging adapter documentation #​39171
  • Update CRaC support status link #​39170
  • Remove entry for OCI starter as it is no longer maintained #​39165
  • Update links to Micrometer docs in metrics section of reference docs #​39149
  • Use the term "tags" in documentation consistently #​39125
  • Correct the documentation on injecting dependencies into FailureAnalyzer implementations #​39100
  • Polish reference documentation #​38942
  • Document virtual threads limitations #​38883

:hammer: Dependency Upgrades

:heart: Contributors

Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:

@​724thomas, @​BenchmarkingBuffalo, @​FBibonne, @​Wzy19930507, @​amparab, @​dependabot[bot], @​dreis2211, @​okohub, @​onobc, @​sdeleuze, @​skcskitano, and @​tobias-lippert


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:star: New Features

:lady_beetle: Bug Fixes

  • HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration should be applied before DataSourceTransactionManagerAutoConfiguration #​38880
  • META-INF entries are duplicated under BOOT-INF/classes causing "Conflicting persistence unit definitions" error #​38862
  • logging.include-application-name has no effect when using log4j2 #​38847
  • Pulsar authentication param properties cause IllegalStateException with Pulsar Client 3.1.0 #​38839
  • Child context created with SpringApplicationBuilder runs parents runners #​38837
  • getSigners() info is lost for signed jars when using the new loader implementation with requiresUnpack #​38833
  • TestContainers parallel initialization doesn't work properly #​38831
  • Zip file closed exceptions can be thrown due to StaticResourceJars closing jars from cached connections #​38770
  • Multi-byte filenames in zip files can cause an endless loop in ZipString.hash #​38751
  • Gradle task "bootJar" fails with "Failed to get permissions" when using Gradle 8.6-milestone-1 #​38741
  • Custom binding converters are ignored when working with collection types #​38734
  • WebFlux and resource server auto-configuration may fail due to null authentication manager #​38713
  • It is unclear that Docker Compose services have not been started as one or more is already running #​38661
  • Spring Boot jar launcher does not work in folders containing certain chars #​38660
  • FileNotFoundException is thrown eagerly from unused SSL bundles #​38659
  • NoUniqueBeanDefinitionFailureAnalyzer does not account for the fact that missing '-parameters' may be the cause #​38652
  • Traces are propagated if tracing is disabled #​38641
  • Missing registry auto-configuration for JMS listener observation support #​38613
  • Class loading fails on an interrupted thread causing com.mongodb.event.ServerClosedEvent to fail to load when Mongo detects a cluster change #​38611
  • Failures due to code not being compiled with '-parameters' are hard to identify #​38603
  • System SSL certificates are not used by the Apache HTTP Client in a RestTemplate built with RestTemplateBuilder #​38600
  • ZipFileSystem throws "java.util.zip.ZipException: read CEN tables failed" with certain nested jars #​38595
  • Nested jar URLs cannot be split and reassembled resulting in errors with projects that use this technique (such as JobRunr) #​38592
  • NoSuchMethodError can be thrown from Session.getCookie() due to binary incompatibilty #​38589
  • management.metrics.tags has been deprecated without a replacement working for all metrics #​38583
  • NegativeArraySizeException can be thrown from org.springframework.boot.loader.zip.ZipContent$Loader #​38572
  • Migration form 3.1.5 to 3.2.0 : "Default" Tracer is not provided in test anymore #​38568
  • TomcatWebServer stop doesn't close sockets for additional connectors #​38564
  • Port is already in use when using @SpringBootTest with a separate management port and a mock web environment #​38554
  • Keep-alive property causes processAot step to never finish #​38531
  • Setting 'spring.task.scheduling.shutdown.await-termination-period' does not result in a call to SimpleAsyncTaskScheduler#taskTerminationTimeout #​38530
  • Setting 'spring.task.execution.shutdown.await-termination-period' does not result in a call to SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor#taskTerminationTimeout #​38528
  • Nested URLs return null from classLoader.getResource("") causing ClassPathResource failures #​38524
  • Spring Boot 3.2 is not compatible with older versions of Liquibase #​38522
  • Controller level exceptions not getting populated in HTTP server requests metrics #​33731

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation

  • Fix typo #​38879
  • Add the LangChain4J Spring Boot Starter to the list of community starters #​38776
  • Document prerequisites for Docker Compose support #​38764
  • Update Dynatrace documentation links #​38725
  • Correct references to Jetty's HTTP2 server module #​38632
  • Fix Observation Filter docs #​38586
  • Reinstate mention of testAndDevelopmentOnly when using Testcontainers at dev time #​38571

:hammer: Dependency Upgrades

:heart: Contributors

Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:

@​SandraAhlgrimm, @​aleksandrserbin, @​cachescrubber, @​dependabot[bot], @​gavlyukovskiy, @​ilies-bel, @​meiyese, @​onobc, @​pirgeo, @​quaff, @​shin-mallang, and @​tomfrenken


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:star: New Features
  • Auto-configure observations for RestClients #​38500
  • Add support for Oracle Free, the replacement for Oracle XE, with Testcontainers and Docker Compose #​38476
  • Provide dependency management for org.crac:crac #​38378
  • Add new properties for Liquibase 4.24.0 #​38274
  • Provide a way to create custom ApplicationContextFactory in SpringBootContextLoader #​38205
  • Report friendly error when failing to find AOT initializer #​38188
:lady_beetle: Bug Fixes
  • Annotation based ConditionalOnBean checks can cause early initialization of FactoryBeans #​38507
  • CRaC restoration fails when Actuator's running on a separate port #​38502
  • App that depends on Tomcat and on Jetty's websocket-server module fails to start with IllegalStateException: WebSocketComponents has not been created #​38286
  • App fails to start with a NoSuchMethodError when using Flyway 10.0.0 #​38268
  • MeterRegistry throws BeanCreationNotAllowedException on shutdown #​38240
  • Resolution of productionRuntimeClasspath configuration may select the wrong variant and contain a dependency's source jar #​38233
  • Docker JSON parsing fails on certain locales #​38220
  • FileNotFoundException is thrown serving resources due to JarUrlConnection.getLastModified() returning zero #​38204
  • Failed to extract parameter names exception thrown when binding with non-enumerable property source #​38201
  • Spring Boot 3.2.0-RC1 application fails on JDK with CRaC but without a dependency on org.crac:crac #​38186
  • Missing configuration processing for PartEvent support #​37642
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
  • Document supported SQL comment prefixes #​38496
  • Update access log pattern documentation to align with changes in Tomcat 10 #​38425
  • Update Dynatrace docs with info about the meter metadata toggle #​38368
  • Improve documentation regarding tracing in tests #​38362
  • Document the accepted inputs when configuring tags on spring-boot:build-image and bootBuildImage #​38354
  • Document how to use cloudfoundry specific actuators with a custom base path for webflux applications #​38353
  • Document Liberica JDK with CRaC #​38350
  • Add a Restarting a stopped or failed Job section to the batch howto #​38341
  • Clarify documentation on importing Testcontainer declarations and using @ServiceConnection or @DynamicPropertySource #​38337
  • Make distinction between Testcontainers for integration tests and development more clear in documentation #​38336
  • When using Testcontainers at development time with @ServiceConnection on a @Bean method, describe when to use the name attribute and why #​38335
  • Fix link to Elasticsearch health indicator #​38334
  • Update Spring Framework documentation links #​38289
  • Code sample in "Developing Your First Spring Boot Application" does not work #​38272
  • Improve --help and documentation for "encodepassword -a/--algorithm" in the Spring Boot CLI #​38249
  • Add how-to documentation for test-only database migrations with Flyway/Liquibase #​38231
  • Document that PEM content can be used directly in application.yaml #​38215
  • Document that TomcatConnectorCustomizers are not applied to additional connectors #​38198
:hammer: Dependency Upgrades
:heart: Contributors

Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:

@​EvaristeGalois11, @​PENEKhun, @​abdullah-jaffer, @​audtjddld, @​cachescrubber, @​dreis2211, @​eddumelendez, @​izeye, @​jonatan-ivanov, @​pirgeo, @​quaff, and @​sdeleuze


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:warning: Noteworthy
  • This release upgrades to Hibernate 6.2.22.Final. While it contains a number of valuable bug fixes, it does not work correctly in a native image. If you are using GraalVM, Hibernate should be temporarily downgraded to 6.2.20.Final using the hibernate.version property.
:lady_beetle: Bug Fixes
  • Image building runs for a long time when a long image name is used and the tag contains an illegal character #​39617
  • Banner printing doesn't respect set charset #​39601
  • Gradle plugin allows the use of Gradle 7.4 but the documented and tested minimum is 7.5 #​39508
  • Property placeholders aren't resolved when configuration property binding creates a Map from a property value using a converter #​39507
  • Several gson properties, including spring.gson.disable-html-escaping, do not behave correctly when set to false #​39504
  • TestcontainersPropertySource assertion has typo #​39440
  • Building images fails with Docker 25.0 when custom buildpacks are configured #​39323
  • Metadata reading during configuration class parsing uses the default resource loader rather than the application's resource loader #​39321
  • Mockito's MockedStatic isn't closed in all cases #​39271
  • TracingProperties exposes package-private PropagationType from public methods #​39265
  • Webflux actuator endpoints respond with 500 when a parameter is missing #​39236
:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation
  • Add note regarding mixing of bundle-based and direct SSL configuration #​39616
  • Document default value for show-value configuration properties #​39589
  • Update the Debugging Documentation of the Spring Boot Maven Plugin #​39392
  • Endpoint documentation contains the typo 'Unuthorized' #​39279
  • Update Revved up by Develocity badge #​39242
:hammer: Dependency Upgrades
:heart: Contributors

Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:

@​amritagg, @​dependabot[bot], @​erichaagdev, @​gdmrw, @​lukasdo, @​smurf667, @​snicoll, @​totti-dev, @​vj-atlassian, @​vjh0107, and @​wanger26


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:lady_beetle: Bug Fixes

  • SslBundle implementations do not provide useful toString() results #​39137
  • Mixing PEM and JKS certificate material in server.ssl properties does not work #​39105
  • spring.rabbitmq.listener.stream.auto-startup property has no effect #​39072
  • Error mark in the log message for PatternParseException is in the wrong place #​38944
  • AutoConfigurationSorter does not always respect @AutoConfigureOrder(Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE) #​38904
  • Throwable from logging system initialization may result in the application silently failing to start #​38885
  • Actuator endpoints with no operations that use selectors are not accessible when mapped to / #​35426

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Documentation

  • Remove entry for OCI starter as it is no longer maintained #​39164
  • Fix link to Log4j2's JDK logging adapter documentation #​39163
  • Update links to Micrometer docs in metrics section of reference docs #​39114
  • Correct the documentation on injecting dependencies into FailureAnalyzer implementations #​39099
  • Improve "Sanitize Sensitive Values" section in reference documentation #​39094

:hammer: Dependency Upgrades

:heart: Contributors

Thank you to all the contributors who worked on this release:

@​BenchmarkingBuffalo, @​FBibonne, @​Wzy19930507, @​amparab, @​dependabot[bot], @​dreis2211, and @​tobias-lippert


Compare Source

:lady_beetle: Bug Fixes

  • HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration should be applied before DataSourceTransactionManagerAutoConfiguration #​38861
  • Zip file closed exceptions can be thrown due to StaticResourceJars closing jars from cached connections #​38766
  • Gradle task "bootJar" fails with "Failed to get permissions" when using Gradle 8.6-milestone-1 [#​38718](https://togithub.c


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renovate[bot] avatar Nov 10 '23 02:11 renovate[bot]